Erikson Timeline

  • Erikson's 1st Stage

    As a baby, I would always only look for my grandparents or my mom to give me my bottle when I got hungry. On the other hand, my mom told me that I would almost always cry or make a fuss when I see my uncle because of how he would tease me by taking my bottle away. In Erikson’s first stage, trust versus mistrust, the crisis is believing in a caregiver and feeling safe or distrusting caregivers and feeling unsafe or unsure that the needs are met.
  • Erikson's 3rd Stage

    When I was about 4 years old, my uncle bought me a toy pony that at the time, looked life size. I thought it needed a make-over, so I took a pair of scissors and cut off half of its tail. Realizing what I just did, I grabbed the hair and scissors, and hid them behind the couch before my mom would find out. In Erikson’s third stage, initiative versus guilt, the crisis is thinking I did something good out of exploration and playing or realizing I was bad and about to get into trouble.
  • Erikson's 2nd Stage

    My little sister, Athena and I, used to always argue before church because I am usually in charge of getting her dressed. As a 10-year-old girl, I loved the idea of being able to dress my little sister up like a real doll or mini fashionista. However, since she was about 3 years old, we would always argue because she wanted to pick her own outfit. In Erikson’s second stage, autonomy versus shame and doubt, the crisis was whether or not she could do it by herself or if I would allow her to.