Baby Jim
Jim is a newborn baby who is always fed and cared for by his mother.
In the first stage, trust vs. mistrust this is where infants learn to develop a sense of trust in the world around them instead of living in constant fear of what is going to happen next. -
Productive Jim
Jim is 11 years old and is in schools track team he is one of the fastest people on the team. Everyone cheers for Jim every time he is running.
Industry vs inferiority is Erikson's 4th stage where it measures someones ability to be productive or to feel inferior because they cannot meet the standards that are required for them . -
Highschool Jim
Jim is 18 and in high school he is applying for colleges and struggles to figure out where he wants to go and what he wants to do for the rest of his life. His parents tell him to take his time to explore his options.
Erikson's fifth stage is identity versus confusion. This stage occurs during the adolescent years from 12-18 and is when adolescents try to figure out who they are and what they want to be. This is where they learn their identity by developing a sense of self.