Erikson's Timeline

  • Ashley's Choice to Take A Gap Year: Identity versus Role Confusion

    Ashley's Choice to Take A Gap Year: Identity versus Role Confusion
    Ashley (age 18) decides to take a gap year before attending college to find herself and decide what she wants to do in life without the influence of others. In Erikson's fifth stage of identity versus role confusion, the crisis is between developing a sense of self, that creates your identity, or having to be confused on what you truly want in life and what you believe in.
  • Ashley's Relationships: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Ashley's Relationships: Intimacy versus Isolation
    Ashley (age 29) has found who she truly is. She is able to be open and create close relationships with her family and friends. In Erikson's sixth stage of intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between developing and maintaining a close relationship with others emotionally or choosing to isolate yourself from others and not being open to them.
  • The End of Ashley's Life: Ego Integrity versus Despair

    The End of Ashley's Life: Ego Integrity versus Despair
    At the age of 80, Ashley died with her family around her. She became a successful author, but the only regret she has in life is choosing not to marry anyone. In Erikson's eight stage of ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between feeling satisfied on how you lived your life or having regrets and wishing to have done more.