My Birthdate
I was born -
Trust vs. Mistrust
I was a well taken care of baby so I developed basic trust -
Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt and Initiative vs. Guilt
I threw a plastic chair at my 1 year old cousin and gave her a bloody nose. I learned that I had to power to hurt other people and the punishments that come from it. -
Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
I was potty trained. I was easy to potty train so I had confidence in my abilities. -
Initiative vs. Guilt
We were cleaning up blocks at preschool one day, and a kid picked up a block I wanted to pick up. So I punched him and gave him a black eye. I was carrying out my plans of getting what I want but later felt guilty when I got in trouble. -
Industry vs. Inferiority
Started kindergarten. I was one of the only kids not crying for their moms because I had been going to day care since I was a year old. I started to develop a sens of industry through learning new things in school, and also a sense of inferiority because I couldn't do math. -
Identity vs. Role Confusion
I moved to Kansas City from Arizona. I didn't know anybody and it was hard to find new people to be friends with. I became confused about who I was for a while. -
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Graduate high school in the top 15% of my class. Develop a sense of accomplishment and self-worth. -
Intimacy: Meet my husband
Meet my husband -
Get married. Form a close relationship with my husband and start a family. -
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Become a pediatrician. Develop a sense of self-worth because I'm contributing to the world and helping others. -
Generativity: First child born
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Have first grandchild. Look back on my life and my kids' lives and feel proud. -
Integrity vs. despair
Retire in Arizona with my husband. Look back on my life and feel good about everything I accomplished. -
Integrity vs Despair