Erikson's Stage

  • Basic Trust vs Mistrust ( Infancy1-2years) stage 1

    as infant we question ourself if we can trust the world and wonder if its safe, we learn while growing that if we can trust. someone now we can trust the future and others, if we experience fear we start to develop doubt and mistrust, the key for our development is our parents.
  • Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt (2-4 years)

    in Early Childhood we start to experience ourself and discover our bodies, we ask question about who we are who and what we are? can i be me? when and if we are allowed to know ourself self- confidence kicks in. but when we are not shame and doubt can kick in then. This is when out parents play a major role in our lives.
  • Intuitive VS Guilt (pre-school age 4-5 years)

    when in pre-school we start to take the intuitive to try new things and we learn the simple things such as how things roll what a ball does when we bounce it, etc, the questioning age comes in again? was what i did okay? is this and that okay do to them? if we get encourage we start to follow what we love, but if we are told what we did was foolish or dump, we develop guilt. we start to learn from all the family members.
  • Industry VS Inferiority(School Age (5-12 years)

    Now we know our own interests and realize that we are different from others. We want to show that we can do things right. We ask if we can make it in this world? If we receive recognition from our teachers or peers we become industrious, which is another word for hard-working. If we get too much negative feedback, we start to feel inferior and lose motivation. Our neighbors and schools now influence us the most
  • Identity vs. Role Confusion, Adolescence (13–19 years)

    During adolescence, we learn that we have different social roles. We become are friends, students, children, and citizens. these is when most experience identity crises. If our parents allow us to go out and discover who we truly are, we can find an identity. but if they push their own view and ways on us , we get into so many confusion and feel lost. Key to our learning are our peers and role models.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation, Early Adulthood (20-40 years)

    As young adults, we slowly understand who we are and we start to let go of the relationships we had built earlier in order to fit in. We ask ourselves if we can love? If we want long-term commitment, we are confident and happy in some ways. when cannot form intimate relationships with those we love or feel loved by other, we might end up feeling isolated and lonely. Our friends and partners are now central to our development.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation - Adulthood (40-65)

    When we reach our forties we are comfortable, in who we have become most of the times, we have use our leisure time creatively and might have contributed into our society. Our main concern is Generatively. we are able to lead the next generation into this world, because we are happy and have know who are are happy. we turn to be more become pessimistic and experience stagnation when things form long ago are not resolve. we are influence mostly by the people we have at home with us.
  • 8) Ego Integrity vs. Despair, Maturity (65-death)

    As we grow older we tend to slow down and begin to look back over our lives. We ask: how have I done? If we think we did well, we develop feelings of contentment and integrity. If not, we can experience despair and become grumpy and bitter. Time to compare us with mankind.