Andrew (17) decides how he is and who he wants to become.
In Erikson's Fifth Stage, Identity vs. Identity/Role Confusion, the crisis is between being secure with the identity you have developed thus far through your development or being unsure of who you are or what you aim to be in the future. -
Early Adulthood
Andrew (23) decides to marry his girlfriend of 2 years and is aiming for parenthood in the future. In Erikson's Sixth Stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, the crisis is between becoming romantically involved and having emotional closeness with another person against never being close to anyone and being alone from others. -
Final Stage
Andrew (46) is diagnosed with an incurable illness that will soon result in his death. Despite being in Middle Adulthood, Andrew is now dealing with Erikson's Final Stage, Ego integrity vs. Despair, where the crisis is being happy with all the life choices you have made thus far and having few regrets once the end arrives against having regrets and wishing you had done more with your life.