Erikson Timeline (Josh's Life)

  • Childhood

    Josh (7yrs) is the new kid in his first-grade class. His new teacher assigns the class to make paintings of something they like. Josh painted a dinosaur and was proud to show his new classmates. In Erik Erikson's childhood stage, the crisis is the child feeling they accomplished something after putting in hard work in their art and being proud (Industry) versus feeling overwhelmed and doubting they did a good job on the painting. (Inferiority)
  • Adolescence

    Josh (27yrs) Has realized he has a love for theatre and wants to become an actor, but his parents want him to go to law school. However, he decided to follow his passion. In the adolescence stage, In Erik Erikson's adolescence stage, the crisis is Josh might not be sure theatre is the right path to take due to his parent's disapproval (Role confusion) but decides to follow his dreams and apply to Juilliard (Identity)
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    Josh (54yrs) is now a successful actor and has officially retired. He plans to teach young aspiring actors and donate to volunteer at multiple organizations. In Erik Erikson's middle adulthood stage, the crisis in this stage is finding meaning in your life and contributing to society (Generativity) or feeling unproductive or stuck in life (Stagnation)