Sonogram Picture
At 11:02am -
Period: to
The Tragic Life of Eric Rodriguez
Its all about Me, Myself, and I. -
Baby Shower
Sunday, September 6, 1998 3:30pm-6:30pm At American Legion Hall San Marcos Texas Theme: Bears Given By: Tillie Parra, Grandmother of Baby, and Denyse Parra, Aunt of Baby -
C-Section Begins
at 3:03pm. -
Born Eric Ryan Rodriguez
Friday at 3:15pm with Jaundice -
at 12:58pm brought home by my father's new truck with my big sister, Marina Grandparents and uncles patiently await for my arrival. -
First Laughs
Play Peek-A-Boo
Can Crawl
First Birthday
Met My Best Frined
Luis Sanchez -
Ate A Whole Piece of Corn
Got Bronchitis
First Fishing Trip
Went as my third birthday. -
First Day of Kindergarten
Mrs. Roberts Class -
Got My First iPod
3rd Place in U.I.L-Storytelling
2nd Grade -
Second Grade Spelling Bee
Muffler Burn
3rd Place in U.I.L-Storytelling
3rd Grade -
Entered GT
Third Grade Spelling Bee
Got My iPod Touch
2nd Place in NJHS 11th Annual Spelling Bee
5th Grade -
Named Superintendent's Student Of The Month
Accepted Christ in My Life
First Phone
Student of the Year
Entered the Seventh Grade
Started Playing Violin
Got My iPhone
First Guitar
Marisol was the guitars name -
First Choir Concert
Did a poem because I am a choir officer. -
Finished Timeline
My friend Sasquatch and I.