Erdi aroa hispania 1

By 1m4n0l
  • 409

    herri germaniarrak iberiar penintsulan sartu ziren.

  • 418

    itun bat zinatu zuten erromatarrek bisigodoekin

  • 476

    tolosako erresuma bisigodoek sortu zuten

  • 587

    liber iducorum, batarsun juridikoa

  • 589

    rekadero erregea katolizismora bihurtu zen

  • 711

    musulmanek sartu ziren iberiar penintsulara

  • 715

    al-andalus damasko mendeko emirerria

  • 756

    Adb ar Rahman I.ak al-andalus emirreri independientea sortu zuen

  • 929

    Adb ar Rahman III.ak kalifa herria egin zuen al-andalus

  • Spanish war of succession

    Spanish war of succession
    The War of the Spanish Succession was a European great power conflict that took place from 1701 to 1715.
  • Treaty of Urtrecht

    Treaty of Urtrecht
    The Treaty of Utrecht is a peace agreement signed in 1713 between England and France to end a war that began in Europe in 1701.
  • Louis XIV of France died

    Louis XIV of France died
    Louis XIV, nicknamed the Great or the Sun King, was king of France from 1643 until his death in 1715.
  • 7 years war

    7 years war
    La guerra de los Siete Años fue una serie de conflictos internacionales acontecidos entre principios de 1756 y finales de 1763.
  • First indutrial revolution

    First indutrial revolution
    The First Industrial Revolution began in England in about 1750–1760
  • Economic crisis

    Economic crisis
    economy crisis:1760… bad harvest, rise in prices, discontent, anger, unemployment.
  • Financial Crisis

    Financial Crisis
    Financial crisis:monarchy’s lack of money.Proposal of solution:privileged to pay taxes through a reform.
  • Diderot and D'alembert started publishing the enciclopedia.

    Diderot and D'alembert started publishing the enciclopedia.
    In 1747 Diderot undertook the general direction of work on the Encyclopédie, except for its mathematical parts, which were edited by d'Alembert.
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    The American Revolution was an ideological and political revolution based on the principles of the American Enlightenment
  • Poor social structure

    Poor social structure
    Peasants(80%) presented opposition to paying high taxes and rents. Bourgeoisie wanted to finish with privileges.
  • Estates General and votes per estate The Tennis Court Oath Storming of the Bastille Declaration of the rights of Man

    Estates General and votes per estate The Tennis Court Oath Storming of the Bastille Declaration of the rights of Man
    Rights of the citizens, separation of powers, equality and freedom of all the individuals and right to choose a government.
  • Period: to

    Military and financial aid for USA

    they helped to Usa in the war
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    The French Revolution was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789, and ended with the formation of the French Consulat.
  • Social Republic

    Social Republic
    Radical burgeoisie(suported by popular classes), Republic, more equality(UNIVERSAL MALE SUFFRAGE+SOCIAL LAWS)
  • Period: to

    Constitutional Monarchy

    Moderate bourgeoisie. Proposal: end of A. Regime, a parliament by CENSUS SUFFRAGE AND A CONSTITUTION.
  • Period: to

    Girondin convention:1792-1793 The jacobin convention:1793-1794 1794-1799, conservative republic or directory.

    Girondin convention:1792-1793
    The jacobin convention:1793-1794
    1794-1799, conservative republic or directory.
  • Period: to

    Conservative Republic (The Directory)

    New moderate liberalism(moderate bourgoeisie-Napoleon)
  • The execution of the king (Louis XVI)

    The execution of the king (Louis XVI)
    the killed him in the gillotin
  • Eduard jenner vaccine

    Eduard jenner vaccine
    Dr Edward Jenner created the world's first successful vaccine.