Epidimeology 1890-2020

  • Robert Koch

    Mr. Koch used a microscope to study Antrax which was found to be caused by Bacillus Anthracis. He tested his findings on mice by infecting them with the cow blood and he found out that they received anthrax. Due to this finding this is what created his Germ Theory. This finding made epidemiology stronger by understanding how one bacteria can cause harm to people and create a pandemic (NobelPrize.org, 2023).
  • Typhoid Mary

    Typhoid Mary
    Mary Mallon was a emigrant to the United States in 1884. Due to Mary being in denial about being ill, she spread the typhoid disease. Mary was also known as one of the first cases of typhoid in the U.S. A doctor named George Sober found that she spread the disease by not washing her hands after using the bathroom (Marineli, F., Tsoucalas, G., Karamanou, M., & Androutsos, G., 2013).
  • Spanish Flu Pandemic

    The influenza pandemic was one of the most recent and severe pandemics. The spanish flu was due to the H1N1 virus. Although this was said, there is no conformation that this is where the virus originated (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
  • Anthrax Vaccine

    In the year 1950 they created the first vaccine for anthrax, This was created due to the population being nervous about the spread of anthrax after the first case being in the early 1900s. It was first used for a small population for textile mill workers (U.S. National Library of Medicine, (n.d)
  • HIV/AIDS within the U.S.

    HIV and AIDS is a autoimmune virus. One of the first recorded cases was a homosexual man in California which began the spread of this.Currently there is no found cure for the HIV/AIDs. It is also believed that it was passed to humans from chimps and their meat, and they were in contact with their infected blood Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022.
  • Cholera Vaccine

    Cholera is an infection that is caused by people contracting it from drinking bad water and sewage. This vaccine has come to a halt when the COVID vaccine was in need. The Cholera vaccine will protect the individual from it for 3 years. World Health Organization, n.d.
  • West Nile Virus

    In the United States the first case of west nile was recorded in 1999. This virus spread across the United States after starting in New York. It is believed to be started from an infected bird or mosquito. This disease spread fast through mosquitos to people. World Health Organization. (n.d.).
  • Sever Acute Raspatory Syndrome

    SARS is an viral respiratory disease that is caused by an association coronavirus. It was identified in February of 2003 during an outbreak that started in China and spanned across four other countries. It is spread through saliva droplets and is easily transmittable. World Health Organization. (n.d.).
  • H1N1 Outbreak

    This virus has impacted over 60 million people throughout the United States. This virus was unique combination of influenza genes. This gene had not been previously identified in animals or people. Years later they are still working to understand this virus and prevent disease in order to prepare for the next pandemic. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Ebola Outbreak

    The first case was reported in December 2013. An 18 month old boy from a village in Guinea was believed to have been infected by bats. The disease spread fast after people began to have diarrhea. It began to spread throughout the world. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Zika Virus

    The zika virus is spread mostly by an infected mosquito biting a human. One of the ways that Zika can be spread is through a mother to her fetus while pregnant. If the woman is pregnant and infected with Zika virus, it can cause birth defects. Currently there is no vaccine or medicine to cure Zika Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019.
  • COVID-19

    The pandemic began from Wuhan, China that is a upper raspatory viral disease. THe symptoms are atypical and resemble pneumonia-like illness. There is currently vaccines that are out that are in place to help prevent another outbreak. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019.