EOC us history

  • 1st Amendment

    Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, respecting an establishment of a religion.
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    Age of the Steamboat”

    Their use generated rapid development of economies of port cities; the exploitation of agricultural and commodity products, which could be more easily transported to markets; and prosperity along the major rivers.
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    New Immigration

    -Main cause to migrate -Push = Pull factors
    -Push Factors-oppression,poverty, war Reg. persecution
    -Pull factor- freedom, $ opportunity, other family members already migrated.
    -main ports -Ellis Island, Angle Island & Galveston TX
    -Lived commomly in the Mid West, NY, CA & TX
    -Bulk of the U.S. industrial labor pool, making possible the emergence of such industries as steel, coal, automobile, textile, and garment production
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    Harsh Working Conditions

    o Children-factory workers, dangerous conditions, paid less than adult workers doing same job
    Women-face long hours, poor working conditions, and job instability,Some women were paid as little as six dollars per week, a sum much lower than a male
    Women & Children both workerd at Cotton Mills (looms)
    Children worked also in mines getting black lung diesiese before they became a teenager.
    *Lack of effective government regulation led to unsafe and unhealthy work sites
  • Nest Cartoon about

    Nast used his cartoons to attack the Tammany Hall political Ring and Boss Tweed to removed from power in the election of November 7, 1871 (in NY). Tweed was arrested in 1873 and convicted of fraud.
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    Tammany Hall & Boss Tweed

    Using fresh Irish immigants for votes Tammany Hall gained power with polticians and the people
    -T-H would then help Ir imm get jobs, pay rent and Americanize them.
    -T-H offered votes for bribs and constrution jobs in NY(like the constuction of the Brooklyn Bridge)
    -T-H was connected to the Democratic Party
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    1862 to 2009

    Industrialization and the "Gilded Age",
    Am. in Transition,
    Am Builds an Empire,
    Roaring Twenties,
    Great Depression,
    "New Deal",
    Cold War,
    Civil Rights,
    1960's protest and change,
    Crisis & Resurgence 1969-2000,
    New Millennium
  • Homestead Act

    -The Homestead Acts were several U.S. fed. laws that gave a person ownership of land, typically called a "homestead",
    -at little or no cost,totaling 160 acres if settlers improved the land in 5 years they own it.
    -Most Hmsteading occured West (mainly the Gt. Plains, Ok, Nebraska).
    -Harsh climates with little water high temp. (100) and blizzards in the winter.
    -Farmers created sod houses and dug 300 ft. wells. Farmers also came up with DRY FARMING (planting seeds deep to reach moisture.
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    The Revolution newspaper

    *Publisher & Editor-Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    *The Revolution focused primarily on women's rights, especially suffrage
    Effect-Acknowledgement of women suffrage and later women’s right to vote (19th Amendment)
  • First Transcontinental Railroad "Pacific Railroad"

    2000 miles accross the U.S.
    -contributed to the westward expansion by making transportation and economic growth easier
    -long hard work
    -rans means accross
    -came into native american territory
    -chinese mainly built the railroads
    -not a lot of technology/machinery
    -boats walking or horse were only ways of transportation
    -provided safety and and fast ways of travel
    -wouldnt be possible without steel
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    Gilded Age and Westward Expansion”

    -The Gilded Age was an era of rapid economic growth, especially in the North and West. American wages, especially for skilled workers, were much higher than in Europe, which attracted millions of immigrants.
    -Railroads were the major industry, but the factory system, mining, and finance increased.
    -Labor unions became important in industrial areas.
    -“This time period is characterized by economic growth, widespread poverty, westward expansion, and political corruption.”
  • Vanderbilt university

    vandervilt started out poor and no money he gpt his money by borrowing money and bought a boat and bought more owned them and became a steam boat captain makes a lot of money
    -vanderbilt university founded in 1873 priveate resaech facility in nashville tennesee provided the school with 100000000 in endowment
  • establishment of the womens christian temperance union

    known as the WCTU
    -pupose was to create a pure and sober world
    -directly related to 18th amendment
    -against alcohol and tobaco useage
  • Bessemer steel production process

    The removal of impurities from the iron by oxidation
    -The Bessemer process revolutionized steel manufacture by decreasing its cost.
    -After the introduction of the Bessemer process, steel and iron cost the same, and some users, like railroads, turned to steel.
    -Steel rails lasted 10 x longer than iron rails.
    -Quality problems such as brittleness prevented Bessemer steel from being used for many structural applications.
  • Chinese Exclusionary Act

    Cause - concern of availiable jobs in the West after the Calif. gold rush.
    Effects -drove employment wages down, excluding all classes of Chinese immigrants and other Asian immigrant groups
    legal racial discrimination
  • chinese exclusion act

    -chinese came to america to work on the railroads and gold mines
    -signed by chester a arthur and was intended to last for 10 years and was extended
    -prohibit all chinese immigration
    -worked for low wages
    -ended in 1882
  • Morse code

    -A single-circuit telegraph that worked by pushing the operator key down to complete the electric circuit of the battery. This action sent the electric signal across a wire to a receiver at the other end.
    -Telegraph lines normaly ran with the RR ltrac since the RR used them 1st and the routes were laid out already.
    - Electric telegraphs were to reduce the cost of sending a message compared to semaphores, and could be used non-stop, 24 hours a day, independent of the weather or daylight
  • Andrew Carnegie

    net worht 298.3 billion
    -horizontal -control of a group of products which are alike yet at different price points complexities and quality
    -vertical-each member make a part to make one thing to satisfy a common need which he used
    -used bessmer proccess
    -jp morgan wanted to buy him and other to unify and cut costs
    -invested 500 into adam express and reinvesting later inveted 40000 in story farm that yielded 1000000 and used money to build empire
    -profits up workers pay not
  • Haymarket Riot

    *strikers during a union action at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company that was part of a national campaign to secure an eight-hour workday
    *violent confrontation between police and labour protesters
    *a bomb was thrown by an individual never positively identified, and police responded with random gunfire 7 police officers were killed and 60 others wounded
    *became a symbol of the international struggle for workers’ rights
  • Haymarket Riot

    *intimidate strikers during a union action at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. that was part of a national campaign to secure an 8 hr workday
    *a bomb was thrown by an individual never positively identified and police responded with random gunfire. 7 police officers were killed and 60 others wounded before the violence ended
    *Haymarket Riot became a symbol of the international struggle for workers’ rights
  • Hull House opening

    Purpose- aiding American assimilation, "Americanization" teaching english and Am. culture, help immigants find jobs and education
    -Founded and lead by two women (women normally did not lead anything at this time in history)by Jane Addams & Ellen Starr
    in Chicago IL.
  • hull house

    -made to provide food and shelter for europeans
    -founded by jane addams and ellen gate starr
    -educational artistic and social programs
    -by 1920 500 hull houses were open
    -in chicago illinois
    -non profit
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    the Populist "people's party"

    unlimited coined silver,single term for a Pres., Direct elections of Senators, Graduated Income Tax, shorter WORK day,Immigration limits
    *Cuuse-farmers in the South and Midwest against the Democratic and Republican Parties for ignoring their interests and difficulties
    *Supporters-National Farmers' Alliance and the Colored Farmers' Alliance & Knights of Labor(union)
    *1892 election of 5 senators,1896 & 1900 nominatedWilliam B. Jennings for Pres. nearly won both times
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    Immigration Ellis Island NY

    From 1892 to 1954, over twelve million immigrants entered the United States.
    -mostly from Northern and Western Europe, passed through its doors, immigrants came from England, Ireland, Germany and the Scandinavian countries.
    -The main reasons immigrants were excluded was if a doctor diagnos contagious disease or legal reasons and notionality
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    Sanfiord B Dole

    -was the president of hawaii
    -hawaii was under a monarch he started a coup and overthrew the king/queen
    -after he became president of hawaii and later hawaii was annexed and became a state
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    Progressive"Bull Moose" Party

    Platform-called for major reforms including women's suffrage, social welfare assistance for women and children, farm relief, revisions in banking, health insurance in industries, and worker's compensation
    Broke off f/ - Republic Party
    Major Canidate-Theodore Roosevelt
    3rd party split-Bull Moose Party split the Republican vote there by leading to Wilson's victory, Teddy Roosevelt lost
  • Social darwinism

    survival of the fittest
    haves and not
    abilitiy complete survive reproduce
    if your poor or not educated then it means that they dont deserve to have money or power
    the haves are supposed to have nots arent suppose to have anything
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    Theodore Roosevelt

    Roosevelt became President after McKinley was assassinated
    *his slogan, "Speak softly and carry a big stick" said becausehe was sending the greatly expanded Navy—the Great White Fleet—on a world tour
    *Roosevelt was the first president to speak out on conservation, and he greatly expanded the system of national parks and national forests
    *Teddy spent periods of time hunting in the N. Dakota badlands seeing how over hunting and grazing damaged the land and game animals he tried to stop as Pres
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    Muckrackers journalism

    Muckraker journalism-muckrakers often worked to expose social corporate monopolies and crooked political machines while raising public awareness of poverty, unsafe working conditions, and social issues like child labor.
    Effect-their agenda was to raise public awareness rising literacy rates, which meant public opinion would eventually get louder
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    Panama Canal Construction

    *Theodore Roosevelt believed that a US-controlled canal across Central Am was a vital strategic interest to the US The idea gained a wide following after the destruction of the USS Maine in Cuba
    *Panama area under Columbia control had rebels that the US supported and armed to revolt against Columbia then leased the area to US after they became a country
    * Building cost thousands of lives and $400 mill and 10 yrs
  • Roosevelt corollary

    It effectively built upon and become what the monroe doctrine ideally opposed
    Wich started that europe was prohibited of atemping any colonization on latin america
    And in exchange america would not interfere with europe
    Roosevelt than forcibling gave america permission to intervene in any matters between europe and latin america this rewarcing europe in being the bully.
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    Galveston TX immigration

    -Mainly Jewish refugees from Russia and Western Europe
    - The main requirements was they needed to be skilled workers
    - Jewish Immigrants were well treated to convince them to stay in Texas
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    Social Gospel

    *Started-by Protestant ministers
    *Beliefs-applied Christian ethics to social problems, poverty, alcoholism, crime, racial tensions, slums, child labor, inadequate labor unions
    *Achieved?-reformers inspired by the movement opened settlement houses, most notably Hull House in Chicago operated by Jane Addams, We also get the Salvation Army at this time period
    *Results-led to women's suffrage, and that the emphasis it placed on morality led to prohibition
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    Angle Island CA - immigration

    Angel Island Immigration Station processed approximately 1 million Asian immigrants entering into the US, leading to it sometimes being referred to as "The Ellis Island of the West"
    -many Chinese immigrants spent years on the island, waiting for entry.
    -restrictions caused by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
  • Dollar Dimplomary

    The purpose was pres taft encouraged bankers to insert in the countries of the caribbean and latin american begin
    they sent in the troops beforce to collect payment if the did not pay

    Roosevelt saying thet refers to the policy
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    world war 1

    -first world war settled in europe
    -the assassination of archduke franz ferdinad and was shot by gabrillo princip
    -austrio hungarians first fired shots during the start of the war for the protection of serbia
    -us didnt get involved until 1917
    M- militarism
    A- alliances
    I- imoerialism
    N- nationalism
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    Weapons of Total War

    -submarines-underwater vessel used to attack enemies
    -land mines-a device used on or underground to disable enemy opponents
    -machine guns-automatic portable firearm
    -trench warfare-fighting in trenches one to the other in a deep hole
    -canned food-in the trench can go find food canned food lasts a long time pro longs war
    -poison (mustard) gas- chemical warfare to blind or slow down opponents
    -tanks-used to get through trenches
    -airplanes-observe and reconaisance
  • Sussex Pledge

    *a promise made to the US in 1916 during World War I by Germany *Passenger ships would not be targeted
    *Merchant ships would not be sunk until the presence of weapons had been established, if necessary by a search of the ship
    *Merchant ships would not be sunk without provision for the safety of passengers and crew
    * In 1917 German thought they could defeat the Allies and broke the Sussex Pledge and th US entered the war
  • Espionage act

    a united states federal law passed june 15 1917 shostly after the u.d entry int wwi
    it was intented to prohibition interfernce with military, and to prevent the support of u.s enemies during was time
    this was punishiable by a maximan fine 10,000 as by imprisament for not nose than 20 years or both
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    American expenditional Force

    The nickname of an inamate object,a form of flower dumpling that parly developed into doughmrnt and was in use by yhe late 18n century 9dough boys
    effect u.s helped by bringing in there man power to help stop the war
    number of men was 600,000
  • fourteen point plan

    aurthor- woodraw wilsin
    main goal was to maitain world peace
    most important part of his plan was to create the league of nations
    us congress didnt agree with 14 points sothey turned down the plan
    other country wanted germany to pay for the war this made the pln weak
    though his plan was turned down he won the nobel peace prize in 1919 for his 14 point speech
  • Battle of Aragonne Forest

    This was one of the greatest America battle of the war ocuured in 1918
    600000 soldiers & 40000 pieces of artillery deployed
    the germans had spent 4 yrs fortying their lines am died 26 277 french
    ferdinand foch supreme commander allied force ordered massive counterattacks all along the frant
  • Treaty of Versailles

    the treaty of versilles was one of the peace treaties eand of ww1
    it ended the state of war between germany and allied powers
    it was signed on june 28 1919
    the other central powers on the german side of ww1 were delt with in separated treaties
    the treaty forced germany to disarm, make substantial terretorial confession and pay reprotution to certain contries that had formed the entity powers
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    Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem is a city in new york that mainly associated with african americans
    people from the south moved to harlem from the first great migration
    better job oppurtunities and aviod racial violence
  • Father of naval aviation -Glenn Curtiss

    Designed seaplanes early aircaft carrier,hydoplane9takeoff f/ water and land on the deck of a ship0
    conviced the sec of the navy to buy its 1st aircaft for military use
    cnstrictucted the 1st airplane to cross the athanic ocean for the us navy
  • League of nations

    International organnisation whose mission was to maintain peace
    found the paris peace treaty thet ended first ww)
  • League of Nations

    -main purpose was to maintain world peace
    -weakness the onset of the second world war demonstrated that the league had failed in its primary purpose the prevention of another world war there were a variety of reasons for this failure many connected to general weakness within the organization
    -u.s. refused to join
    -led to the U.N.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment-banned the sale and drinking of alcohol in the United States (only amendment to be repealed from the constitution)
    *temperance-total abstinence from alcoholic liquors
    *Prohibition-the prevention by law of the manufacture and sale of alcohol, especially in the US between 1920 and 1933
    *Speakeasy-a saloon or nightclub selling alcoholic beverages illegally, especially during Prohibition.
  • Teapot dome scandal

    a bribery incident that ocurred from 1920 1923 during the aministration of pres. w harding
    secretary of the interior a.fall leaded navy petroleum reseves at tealpor dome in wyoming and two other locations in california to private oil companies at low rates without
  • 19 admendment

    women contributions in the first world war contributes to the passege of the 19 amendment
    19th amen allowed women to vote it also had a large impact on the gander political holders and the way both americans citizens and congress members as a whole tended top vote
    it also broken down the barriers of race so sex involving voting.
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    19th Amendment

    19th Amendment-guarantees all American women the right to vote
    *suffrage-the right to vote, especially in a political election
  • Emergency quote act

    restricted immigration into united states
    intebded as temporary legislative the act proved in the act proved in the long run thems important point in america.
    imigration policy added two new features to american immiration numerical limits on immigration from europe and the use odf a quoat system for establishing those limits.
    the act meant that only people of northern europe who had similar addres to that of american were likely to get in
  • Migrant mother

    -Dorther Lange; had polie,focused on sicial issues such as, treatment of the native americans, the efferts of thge great depression, Then movedon to topics such as rural hardships. Became the first woman a wanted a guggenheim fellewship treated people with respect,very betored photographer.
  • monkey trial

    was a famous american legalin 1925,teacher jonh scapes was accused of teaching human evolution in any founded school.
    the state of tennessee vs jonh scapes-willam jennings Bryan three-time president candidate argued for the prosercultion while clarence darrow the defence attomey spoke for scopes
    the trial itself began as a piblicing stunt to help georate money for dayton tenn
    had a 1 dollar fine.
  • 1st solo transatlantic flight

    pillot was charles lindbergh
    plane spirirt of st.louis
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    Great depressin

    caused sleep declines in industrial out put and raising levels of uneplyment causing companies to lay off a lot of workers.
    there was ariund 13 to 15 millions americans unemployed
    Tride dropping down the prices do they could be able to buy more, didnt work to the casuse of lock of aggragate demand (total supply)
    PPl lost their homes, unable to pay their mortayes
  • Stock Market Crash of 1929

    Buying on the margin-buying stocksd by using $ you borrow from your stockbroker .
    Return to normalcy-return to the way of life before world war I America first plan-protection tariffs (tax important coming to Am)
    Disposable income-personal income is often used to guage the overall state of the economy Bank run-customers withdraw their accounts simultaneously due to concerns about the bank's going underBank failure-occurs when a b is unable to meet its obligations all of these caused the crash
  • dust bowl

    ecomics depress cupled with eatended drought unusally high temperature poor agricultiral practies and the resulting wind eroson all contributed to macking to dust bowl
    -the impact is like a shovelful of fine sand finding against the face
    families were oriven out of the once fertile great plains people packed their bags 3 travelled west to california for work
    forced formers to lose their farms their livelyhood
  • Japan expantion

    -Japan took control of Korea and area of Chia & Russia called Manchuria
    -Japan made plans to control the whole Pacific
    -this plan was called " the Great East Asia Co-Prosperity(joint success) Sphere"
    -In 1940 Japan joined Germany & Italy in the The Tripartite Pact to create the AXIS
  • Eugenics

    author-major davon port ,to emphasided birth selection over birth control. they chacked the immigration for harmful traits down syndomre.birth defects) and suggested deportation
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    -programs were in response to thge great depression, and focused on what histirians call the "3 Rs": Recovery,and Reform
    -Relief for the unemployed
    -Recovery of the economy
    -Reform of the financial system
    -it made the fed gov more controlling over businesses,bank and stock market,it gave it more power.
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    New Deal-economy policy and Roosevelt opponents

    -introduced higher taxes on the rich
    -Believed if it was good for business then it was good for america
    -New deal divided into three parts (Relief,Reform,and Recovery) OPPONOENTS
    -Believed too generous to the corporate interests
    -confiscate any personal fortune over $3 million and use this money to give eaCH FAMILY in america.
    -Promised a national minimum wage, old age pensions and cheao food for the poor opininos of huey long
  • New Deal Legislations #9 wk 5

    FDIC- federal deposit insurance corporation
    *SEC- security and exchange commission- regulate the stock markets and businesses
    *SSA-- Social Security Administration- retiremnet sevings
    *Expectation that government should steo in during economics crises or when the people are suffering
    *AAA- Agriculture Adjustment Act - drastic measure to raise agriculture prices by limiting the surplus
    *TVA - Tennesses valley aurthory- brings electrical power to provery-stricken areas
  • 21st Amendement

    It repealded the 18th amendment. positive effects freedom to drink again and weakening organized crimes
    cause the country was in the middele of the great depression and the needed money from taxes and alcohol .
  • 20 Admendment

    dates on wich new presidential and vice presidential terms begin as well as the date beginning new congressional terms moving these diets for pres and congress helps rud of a on-productive period while in office called lame-duck period
    it also has provisions
  • Eleanor Roosevelt as activist

    She began activism working with the immigration,African Americans and woman after she became first lady.
    1934 she receive thousands of letters describing racial violence, and racial descrimination.
    main goal was for education.
    Effect on Voting. the people she helped would support her husband polices and vote for them due to her support were equality.
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    First term of Flanklin.D.Roosevelt

    Roosevelt defected hoover
    -FDR was telling american people that their fear was making things worse.
    -During the Great Depression,the greatest problem facing american was widespread unemployment.
    -Roosevelt promise americans a New Deal to put them back to work.
    -FDR won presidency by building strong support from labor unions. and urban political machines
  • Judicial Procedures Reform Bill

    FDR wanted to expand the court was because it had struck down much of his exparisive new deal legislation and he hoped more judges ,which he would appoint himself,would turn the tioes in his favor
    Despite Roosevelt popularity, his court parking sheme was condemmed by the public and rejected by congress later the justices generally stopped overrruling new deal legistion.
  • germany expansion

    -Germany started acquiring german speaking areas lost after WWI like Sudetenland(a section of France),Czechoslovakia,Hungary & Poland
    -Increasingly a global political division emerged between democratic societies (US & Britian)and totalitarian states (Germany)
    actions-@1st nothing but when Germany did not stop an all out war occured
  • natirism

  • Major events of WWII (part 2)

    the battaan death march - took place in philippines in 1942 after the japannese took over the philippine islands; american and filipino prisoners of war were forcibly marched 60 miles through the jungle resulting in many fatlites
    - the invastion of normandy - june 6 1944 allied invension of northern france to repel the occupation of the german army
  • Major Event of WWII (part 1)

    -battle of midway- significant battle in the pacific (considered the turning point). Ater the battle, Japan shipbuilding and pilot training program were unable to keep pace and replacing their losses ,while the u,s stealing increased output in both areas.
    the u.s military advancement through the pacific islands - known as isl;and hopping the goal was to aitain a position close enoughh to mainland japan to conduct an attack.
  • Military leaders of WWII (part 2)

    george patton- colorful and celebrated tank comanter ird armond division who spearheaded the final attack into germany
    bernard Montgomery- celebrated german general nicknamed the "The desert Fox " dur to his victories in north africa
    -yamamoto- celebrated japanese Admiral, oversaw the attack on pearl Harbor.
  • Military leaders of WWII ( part 1)

    -omar bradkey- "the soldiers Genaral " served with patton in north africa and italy led the first army division on the d-day landings
    -Dwight e-Omar Bradley – “The Soldier’s General” served with Patton in North Africa and Italy, led the First Army Division on the D-Day landings -Dwight Eisenhower – commander of Allied forces in Europe for the D-Day Invasion -Douglas MacArthur – commander of the U.S. Army in the Pacific -Chester W. Nimitz – commander of the U.S. Navy and Allied land and
  • WWII invetion pt2

    -fired faster than single shot sifle nuclear weapons
    -atomatic bombs big bombs used to destroy large areas

    -WAS AND amphibitious landings that could drive on land and go in the water
    -designed by andrew higgins
    -was a self propelling wapaon that explodes and is shot above or below water used to take out ships or subs
    -fighting under water and used under water mines to destroy subs.
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    2nd Great migration U.S History 4th

    about 5 million Africsn americans migrated out of the southern and east united states between 1941-1970 to escape racisim. this was because african americans were being hung,burned, murdered due to prejudice americans having separate but equal laws wich were not equal moved to cali, la , okland m.jwest for defense industry jobs.
  • Pear Harbor

    Military of the imperial japanese navy attacked (surprisingly) the u.s nava case in hawaii
    ,Total # of americans that died -2,403 & #of wounded during the attack were 1,178
    .18 ships sunk or runograound , inclouding 5 battle ships 9 civilisn aircraftd flying 3 shotdown.
    .Pres Roosevelt said "a date which will live in infamy "stae pf being well known for bad quality or dead
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    U.S office of war information

    "Uncle Sam Wants You" Thats what americans read on posters during world war II. To attack U.S citizens to jobs in support of the war effort the government create the office of war information (owi)
    -Using propagandal photographs and captions with emotional content, the owl aimed to inspire patriotic fERVOR IN THE AMERICAN PUBLIC
  • Executive order 9066

    -Ten week after the japanese bombed perl harbor u.s president Franklin D. Roosevelt signs executive ordere 9066
    -This orfer permitted military commanders to require japanese americans to relocate to interior internmet camps.
    -for protection against espinonage and against sabotage to national-defense
    -Not japanese were put into the internment camps but also newly settle german americans and italian americans.
  • pledge of allegiance

    the pleadge of allegiance of the united stae is an expression of loyalty to the flag.
    in 1923 the national flag conference called for the words my flag to be change to the flag of the united state so the new immigration would not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the united state.
    the last change in language came on flag day 1954 when the words under god were added
  • World war 2

    .Victory gardens also called war garders were vegetable,fruit,and herb gardens planted at private residents during ww2 they were used along with food stamps to reduce pressure on the public food supply.
    Rosie the riveter is a cultural i can of the united states representing the american women who worked in factories during ww2 producing munitions and war supplies these women sometimes took entirely new jobs replacing the mole workers who were in the military.
  • establishment of the G.I.bill

    gi billl was a law that provided a range of benefits for returning ww2 veterans . such as low cost mortgages low interest loans to start a business cash payments of tuitions and living expenses to attrntrd universityis
    it established hospital and boosted the economy dye to the veterans spending more money and helped create a larger middle class.
  • Fireside chats

    Franklin D Roosevelt broodrasted trhough thirty evening radio addres
    They were used to communicate with the people of america reassuring them that the nation was going to recover and shared his hopes plans for the country telling the people ehat the was doing and why
    the conventional press grew to love Roosevelt because they too had gained uppressented to the goings-on of government like never before
  • Korematsy Vs. U.S

    Korematsy sued the u.s.a foe violating his civel liberties sending him away for an entainment came due to order 9066.
    the court ruled with the united states saying protesting the general poupulation out-wighed indivinal right also saying that the government has a right s also to do things that har not be legal during war-times.
  • Results oh world war 2

    .Marshall plan (european recovery program) was the american initiative to aid europe.
    .farm production across the continent had been destroyed by 6 yrs of war.
    It benefited yhe american economy
    helped build war-torn europe
    .Seeded up the economic recovery of western europe and created good will towards u.s.
  • World War 2

    .War bonds are dept securities issued by government to finance military operations and other expenditure in times of war. Gave Am citizens pride to help soilders fighting in the war
    Rationing is the controlled distribution of sacre resources being distributed. Rationing help supply soilders during war.
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    Baby Boom

    mre babies were born in 20 years by 1964 in the total there was 76.4 million baby boomers
    Because a desire for nonnalyafter 16 yrs of depression and ww2 and Korean war.
    Effects corporstion grew larger more profitable labor unios promited generous wayes and benefits to their members,
  • Air Conditioning

    people move from north to south
    south had more jobs cuz of the aircondi they where installed in all the buiding and houses
    the econ got more jobs more money they aldo had to build more power plants (more electricity)
    the bad thing about it was the burning of cool and gas to run the air conditionar putting out green houses.
  • NAto

    the united sates uniled kingdom westerm eurpesn countries formed the north atlantic treaty organizatios 1949
    pledges to defend every other member attacked
    united statesd exended its umbrella
  • Polion vaccine

    effects of rapid mas immunization on popuilatin under conditions.
    decline in ability to conduct customary dauly actions such as walking .etc this happen to president franklin D. Roosevelt.
    the nunmber of casses raplidly declined to under 2500 cases in 1957 by 1965 only cases of paralylic polio were reported
    based on the results there was a world wide distribution.