Environmental Timeline

  • 7978 BCE

    10000 Years Ago

    Humans learned farming and sustainable agriculture (Textbook)
  • 22

    2000 Years Ago

    Soil conservation practiced in China, India, and Peru (Britannica)
  • Period: 1300 to 1500

    14th to 16th Century

    Pollution is blamed for spreading disease in Europe (Britannica)
  • Early 1800s

    Population growth causes more use of resources and more fuel being burnt for production of goods and services, land is cleared and nature becomes polluted (Textbook)
  • Walden

    Book by naturalist Henry David Thoreau (PBS)
  • Marsh’s Man and Nature

    Book by George Perkins (PBS)
  • Yellowstone

    National Park (PBS)
  • John Muir

    John Muir starts writing essays, articles and books about the Sierra Nevada (PBS)
  • Romantics and Reformers

    English romantics and reformers including John Ruskin, Octavia Hill and Edward Carpenter articulate ideas about saving nature and man from the Industrial Revolution (PBS)
  • National Audubon Society

    The National Audubon Society forms to save plume birds from ladies’ hatters
  • Sequoia

    National Park (PBS)
  • Sierra Club

    The Sierra Club is established by John Muir and others to defend Yosemite National Park (PBS)
  • Gifford Pinchot

    Philosophy of resource conservation was developed by Gifford Pinchot, the first chief of the U.S. Forest Service (PBS)
  • Grand Canyon

    National Park
  • More National Parks

    Sweden establishes 9 national parks
  • Save the Redwoods

    Save the Redwoods League begins buying the last old-growth redwood trees (PBS)
  • Wilderness Society

    The Wilderness Society is started by Aldo Leopold and others to preserve wilderness; and the National Wildlife Federation brings together hunters and fishermen (PBS)
  • Pollution

    Machines built and oil being used, technology added to agriculture, pesticides start being used, population rises to about 3 billion, waste production dramatically increases (Textbook)
  • Ecologists Union

    The Ecologists Union, later the Nature Conservancy, is started by scientists to acquire ecologically important reserves (PBS)
  • Sand County Almanac

    Book by Aldo Leopold (PBS)
  • Effects and Preventions

    Pollution starts affecting the world with global warming and ozone layer depletion, environmentalists rise up with scientific backgrounds (PBS)
  • Period: to

    Government Involvement

    Government begins to form nature reserves and help the environment, movement begins to gain popularity (Textbook)
  • World Wildlife Fund

    The World Wildlife Fund is founded by Sir Julian Huxley, Dutch and British royals
  • Silent Spring

    Book by Rachel Carson that warns of devastation that pesticides
  • Period: to

    Lake Pedder and Franklin River

    Campaigns in Tasmania in the 1970s and ’80s to block the flooding of Lake Pedder and the damming of the Franklin River (PBS)
  • Greenpeace

    Greenpeace founded (Textbook)
  • Period: to

    Three Mile Island and Chernobyl Protests

    Protests in the United States and western Europe against nuclear power development, especially following the catastrophic accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl (PBS)
  • Today

    Research is being conducted to protect the environment (Textbook)