Enlightenment Revolutions

By annad30
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Thinkers

    The Enlightenment Thinkers were philosophers from the Enlightenment period who made major changes in government, law, and the society. These changes deeply impacted the function and rule of government which helped lay the foundation of government and rule today. More information about this can be found at https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-worldhistory/chapter/enlightenment-thinkers/
  • Estates-General Meets

    Estates-General Meets
    King Louis XVI decided to begin to tax the Nobility. This caused major backlash from the nobility and they forced the King to call a meeting to discuss this. During this meeting they looked at the statistics of the taxation. The 1st and 2nd Estates thought that the way they had it was far so when they took the vote, the 1st and 2nd Estate (nobility and religous leaders) outvoted the 3rd Estate. For more info check out:
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    French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a major change in society when the ruler and its people's relationship was redefined. For more information:
  • Tennis Court Oath Taken

    Tennis Court Oath Taken
    The King and the First and Second Estate did not allow the Third Estate in the meeting hall. After this people of the Third Estate demanded change by protesting at an old tennis court. They took a pledge that they would not leave until they got a new constitution for France. They later went on to call this pledge,"The Tennis Court Oath." For more info check out:
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Chaos began to break out in France and the King ordered the Swiss Guard To protect him. For some reason, citizens saw this as a threat to the citizens. They believed the guard was going to kill them, so one day they broke into the Bastille and stole multiple weapons to use as self defense. This includes gun powder and many other supplies. For further info check out:
  • Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen included many thoughts of the philosophers during the Enlightenment. One of the general morals of all thinkers that was included was the government was made to protect its citizens. For more information on this feel free to check out:
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    Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution is when Haiti won independence from France with the help of several armies. This was the only successful slavery revolt in modern history. To read more on this, checkout: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Haitian-Revolution
  • Slaves rise up on northern plantations of St. Domingue

    Slaves rise up on northern plantations of St. Domingue
    The slave revolt was incredibly important in history. This is because it was the first and only successful time when slaves took control. It was planned previously by Dutty Bouken that the slaves would break out of captivity. During the process, many slaves killed their masters and started fires on the plantations. After this, White people became worried about becoming the victims and killed hundreds of slaves to stop the rebellion. Check out:
  • King Louis XVI's execution

    King Louis XVI's execution
    King Louis XVI was executed by the guilitine after being found guilty of treason. Treason is when you betray your country and go behind your country's back and partner with foreign countries. This was seen as quite the offense during that time period, which is why he was condemned to death. To read more about King Louis XVI's execution feel free to check out:
  • Slavery is outlawed in the French Colonies, including St. Domingue

    Slavery is outlawed in the French Colonies, including St. Domingue
    Under the leadership of Maximillien Robespierre, slavery was outlawed in France and its colonies. After this many slaves were breaking out of control from their masters. To read more about this check out:
  • The Directory takes control of France

    The Directory takes control of France
    The directory was created as an expirement by the government, after France had become a dictatorship. The directory was a group of 5 men that governed France. It was set up by the constitution so that no one man gained to much power. The directory was also made in the ideas of federalism. For more on the directory check out:
  • War of Knives begins for control of St. Domingue

    War of Knives begins for control of St. Domingue
    The War of Knives began after General L'ouverture and Military Leader Riguad were fighting for control of land. They both gathered men to fight for them and L'ouverture, with help from England ran Riguad and his army out of the land. The whole entire "war" lasted a year. To read more on this feel free to check out this timeline:
  • New Constitution in France put up a vote, declares the revolution is over.

    New Constitution in France put up a vote, declares the revolution is over.
    During this period of time, a french military leader named Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the directory and established the french constulation. This ended the revolution. To read more about this check out:
  • Touissant L'ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared govenor for life

    Touissant L'ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared govenor for life
    After recent events, L'ouverture decides to lay out a new constitution. This constitution outlawed slavery and gave every citizen equal rights. To continue, L'ouverture was declared a leader for life. This upset many people who rebelled against him, including Napoleon Bonaparte, To view the constitution use the link below: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/english/currentstudents/undergraduate/modules/fulllist/second/en213/syllabus2017-18/haitian_constitution_1801.pdf
  • Dessaline Proclaims Haiti's Independence

    Dessaline Proclaims Haiti's Independence
    After the fight between Napoleon and L'Ouverture, L'Ouverture had been captured by his very own people. A general for L'Ouverture, Jean Jaques Dessaline even came up with the plan, unknowing that Napoleon's plan was to reinforce slavery. After figuring this out the citizens of St. Domingue came together to rebel and Dessaline used his skills to drive out Napoleon and his troops. This had caused Haiti to become the first independent nation of former slaves and slavery was abolished.
  • Mexico declares independence from Spain

    Mexico declares independence from Spain
    In Mexico, a creole priest began to advocate for freedom from Spain. Many people rallied together on this day with the dream of not only gaining freedom but ending slavery, improving lives, and giving Mexican men the equal right to vote. During this a priest named Jose Morelos was captured and killed for advocating for freedom. Later on, the king of Spain was forced to sign a new constitution For more info:
  • Simon Bolivar arrives in Merida, Venizuela

    Simon Bolivar arrives in Merida, Venizuela
    Simon Bolivar began to led revolutions in South America. These revolutions were to gain freedom. He began this in his home country of Venezuela. After a non sucessful experience he decided to start making dangerous choices. These choices included attacking them Over the Andes Mountain Range. Well doing this he defeated Spanish forces in Columbio.
  • Peru Declares Independence

    Peru Declares Independence
    After a series of military events, Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar, the two main leaders of Peru's strive to independence declared freedom from Spain. This was known as the Peruvian war of Independence. For more on this feel free to check out:
  • Gran Columbia Formed

    Gran Columbia Formed
    Venuzeulan miitary Simon Bolivar led a mission to join all the regions of Colombia, Venezula, Panama, Ecuador, and some of Peru and Brazil. For more check out:
  • Period: to

    Revolutions of Latin and South America

    The Revolutions of Latin and South America were changes in Latin and South Ameirca that happened during the period of the Enlightenment. These changes includes freedom from Spain, Better Trade, Declaring Independence as countries, and the creation of different governments. All of these changes are important because they helped create and expand the freedoms of countries in our world and play a major role in their history. For more info: