Enlightenment and French Revolution.

  • Meeting with the Estates-General

    Who: a representative assembly in pre-revolutionary France
    What: to address the country's political and financial instability
    Where: Menus-Plaisirs building in Versailles, France
    Why: The meeting was the first event of the French Revolution and is considered a significant moment in history.
  • Tennis Court Oath.

    Who: members of the French Third Estate
    What: never to stop meeting until a constitution had been established.
    Where: Tennis room at the Palace of Versailles
    Why: Their vow "not to separate and to reassemble wherever necessary until the Constitution of the kingdom is established"
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Who: The French
    What: revolutionary insurgents attempted to storm and seize control of the medieval armoury, fortress and political prison
    Where: Paris, France
    Why: because it was a symbol of the oppressive monarchy and royal power, and the crowd, fueled by widespread discontent, wanted to access the weapons stored there, believing the king was planning to use force against the burgeoning revolutionary movement
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man.

    Who: France's National Constituent Assembly
    What: Liberty, Property, Safety and Resistance to Oppression
    Where: Paris, France
    Why: the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a significant impact on the development of popular conceptions of individual liberty and democracy in Europe and worldwide.
  • Women's March of Versailles.

    Who: Women and few men
    What: a riot that took place during this first stage of the French Revolution.
    Where: Versailles, France
    Why: sparked by women in Paris's marketplaces who were protesting the high price and scarcity of bread
  • Execution of King Louis XVI.

    Who: King Louis XVL
    What: King Louis XVI was executed by guillotine
    Where: Place de la Concorde, Paris, France
    Why: he was found guilty of treason by the National Convention