english history

By tanls29
  • 6000 BCE

    Britain becomes an Island.

    The land bridge joining Britain to Europe flooded as the sea level rose
  • 3000 BCE

    the stone age

    farming people arrive from Europe. First stone circles erected.
  • Period: 2800 BCE to 2000 BCE

    building of stonehenge

  • 2100 BCE

    Bronze age

    First metal workers
    People learn to make bronze weapons and tools.
    Introduction of cremation of the dead and burials in round barrows. Beaker culture - their name is thought to originate from the distinctive beakers that accompanied their burials. They were farmers and archers. They lived in round huts (similar to the Celts) with a low stone wall for a base. The roof was made of thatch, turf, or hides.
  • 500 BCE

    the celts arrive

  • 55 BCE

    first invasion

    Julius Caesar heads first Roman Invasion but later withdraws
  • 43

    second roman invasion

    Romans invade and Britain becomes part of the Roman Empire
  • 50

    londinium is founded

    the city of london is founded
  • 61

    Boadicea leads the Iceni in revolt against the Romans

  • 70

    Romans conquer welsh flag Wales and the North

  • Period: 122 to 128

    Emperor Hadrian builds a wall on the Scottish Border

  • 140

    Romans conquer Scotland

  • 209

    St Alban becomes the 1st Christian martyr

  • 306

    Constantine the Great declared Emperor at York

  • 350

    The Picts and Scots attack the border

  • Period: 401 to 410

    The Romans withdraw from Britain

    The Romans withdraw from Britain: Anglo Saxons migrants begin to Settle
  • 450

    angelo-saxon invasion

    First invasions of the Jutes from Jutland, Angles from South of Denmark and Saxons from Germany.
    Britain is divided up into the Seven Kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, Anglia, Wessex, Essex, Sussex and Kent.
  • 450

    Saxons Hengist and Horsa settle in Kent.

  • 460

    St Patrick returns to convert Ireland

  • 516

    The Battle of Mount Badon

    The Battle of Mount Badon: Britons under an unknown leader defeat the Angles and Saxons
  • 597

    St Augustine brings Christianity to England from Rome

    King Æthelberht of Kent gave him land in Canterbury to build a church. Æthelberht became the first Anglo-Saxon king to turn his back on paganism and become Christian.
  • 600

    Æthelberht is now one of the most powerful kings in England

  • 617

    Northumbria becomes the Supreme Kingdom

  • 627

    Edwin of Northumbria

    Edwin of Northumbria becomes the first Christian king in the north of England
  • 779

    Mercia becomes the Supreme Kingdom

    King Offa builds a Dyke along the Welsh Border
  • 793

    First recorded Viking attack happens in Dorset

  • 793

    Vikings attack the monastery of Lindisfarne, Northumbria

  • 795

    Vikings attack the island monastery of Iona, Scotland

  • 802

    Vikings attack the island monastery of Iona, Scotland

  • 806

    Vikings attack the island monastery of Iona, Scotland

  • 829

    Wessex becomes the Supreme Kingdom

    Wessex becomes the Supreme Kingdom
    Egbert, King of the West Saxons, conquers Mercia and forces the Northumbrians to submit as well. From then on, Wessex retained its dominance in England. Egbert's grandson, Alfred, initiated the creation of the single kingdom of England.
  • 843

    Kingdom of Scotland formed

  • 851

    Athelstan, son of the king of Wessex, defeats a Viking fleet in battle

    Egbert, king of Wessex, had made his second son Athelstan king of Kent. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Athelstan fought a sea battle against the Vikings off Sandwich, capturing nine ships and putting the rest to flight.
  • Period: 866 to 877

    Invasion of the Great Danish Army.

  • 867

    The Vikings kill rival kings of Northumbria and capture York

  • 869

    Edmund, King of the East Angles, is killed by the Vikings

    He was beheaded and his head thrown away to prevent proper burial. Much later, his head was finally reunited with the body, and both were buried in the royal residence, which later became known as Bury St Edmunds, a town in East Anglia.
  • 877

    Welsh king Rhodri Mawr is defeated by the Vikings

  • 878

    Wessex is overrun by Vikings and King Alfred goes into hiding

    Wessex is overrun by Vikings and King Alfred goes into hiding in the marshes of Athelney (Somerset). After Easter, he called up his troops and defeated the Viking king Guthrum, who he persuaded to be baptised. He later brought Guthrum to terms and created a settlement that divided England.
  • 886

    England is Divided

    Alfred, King of Wessex, agrees a treaty with Vikings to divide England
    The Saxons retain the west, while the east (between the Thames and Tees rivers) was to be Viking territory - later known as the 'Danelaw' - where English and (Danish) Vikings were equal in law.
  • 889

    The Anglo Saxon Chronicle starts

  • 926

    Eastern England (Danelaw) is conquered by the Saxons

  • 927

    Athelstan, king of Wessex, takes York (Yorvik) from the Vikings

    Athelstan, king of Wessex, takes York (Yorvik) from the Vikings, and forces the submission of Constantine of the Scots and of the northern kings.
  • 939

    Athelstan, first king of all England, dies

  • 954

    Eric Bloodaxe is forced out of Yorvik (York)

    Eric Bloodaxe, the last Viking king in England, is forced out of Yorvik (York)
    Eric Bloodaxe was invited to take over the kingdom of Yorvik (York) around 946 AD. He was welcomed by Athelstan, king of Wessex, who wanted Eric to protect his kingdom from Scots and Irish invaders.
  • 960

    Dunstan becomes archbishop of Canterbury

  • 973

    Edgar is crowned king of England at Bath

    Edgar is crowned king of England at Bath, 14 years after taking power
    Edgar ruled England from 959 to 975 AD, but it was not until 973 AD - two years before his death - that he organised a solemn coronation and anointing.
  • 975

    Edward, oldest son of Edgar crowned King of England.

    He was not popular and was treacherously murdered at Corfe in Dorset three years later.
  • 978

    Edward's half-brother Æthelred becomes the new king.

  • 1013

    Swein Forkbeard, son of the Danish king Harold Bluetooth,forces Æthelred the Unready into exile England now under Danish control.

  • 1016

    King Canute of Denmark captures the English Crown

  • 1042

    King Canute of Denmark captures the English Crown

  • 1055

    Westminster Abbey is completed

  • Jan 6, 1055

    Edward the Confessor dies and is succeed by Harold Godwinson

    Harold, earl of Wessex, was crowned king of England on 6 January 1066. He was immediately faced with powerful threats from William, duke of Normandy, and Harold Hardrada, king of Norway, both of whom laid claim to the English throne.
  • 1066

    Saxon victory over invading Vikings

    Saxon victory over invading Vikings at the Battle of Stamford Bridge
    Harold II defeats and kills Harald Hardrada
  • 1066

    The invading Normans defeat the Saxons

    The invading Normans defeat the Saxons at the The Battle of Hastings
    William of Normandy defeats and kills Harold II with a lucky shot and becomes King of England - Norman Conquest
  • Period: 1066 to Sep 20, 1066

    Harald Hardrada, King of Norway, invades England

  • Sep 28, 1066

    William of Normandy lands at Pevensey on the south coast of England

  • Oct 14, 1066

    The invading Normans defeat the Saxons

    The invading Normans defeat the Saxons at the The Battle of Hastings
    William of Normandy defeats and kills Harold II with a lucky shot and becomes King of England - Norman Conquest
  • Dec 25, 1066

    William of Normandy is crowned king William I of England

  • 1070

    First Norman stone castle is built in Wales

    The Normans quickly advanced into Wales, using castles to subdue the surrounding countryside.
  • 1070

    Work starts on Canterbury Cathedral

  • 1077

    Bayeux Tapestry illustrating the Battle of Hastings is completed