English work

  • 2012 2-0

    I studied in the Modelo De La Costa school
    I Iearned the multiplication
    I learned the kings of the animals
    I had a good knowledge of the addition
  • 2011 1-0

    I studied in san Felipe school
    I learned the animals
    I learned the colors
    I perfect in animal´s theme
  • 2018 8-0

    I studied in salesiano´s school I learned past simple
    I learned present perfect
    I was in hallowen party Experience: I spoke so much
    I practice footbal in the school.
  • 2017 7-0

    I studied in Salesiano´s school:
    I learned the regulars verbs
    I learned the irregular verbs Experience:
    I spoke so much
    I had goods califications in religion
  • 2016 6-0

    I studied in gbac school:
    I learned present simple
    I learned verbs in present simple
    I had goods califications in math
  • 2015 5-0

    I studied in gbac school:
    I learned math in english
    I learned social studies in english
    I had goods califications in english and science
  • 2014 4-0

    I studied in La Esperanza school

    I learned science in english
    I learned the verbs in english
    I participated in schools activities
  • 2013 3-0

    I studied in the Esperanza school
    I learned to make a división
    I had a good knowledge of the division
  • preeschool

    I studied in san Felipe school
    I learned the colors
    I learned the numbers
    I learned the animals
    I had language problems