English timeline

  • The reading game I played in the car

    The reading game I played in the car
    When I had first started to learn to read, my teacher told me to practice reading things. I decided to practrice my reading by looking at the street signs. Every time I was in the car, I would look out the window and try to figure out what the sign said before the car passed it. It became sort of like a game for me. If I ever lost the game by not reading the sign fast enough I could just ask whoever was driving what it said. It made reading a fun game I could play with myself on the go.
  • The Pigeon books

    The Pigeon books
    My favorite books to read were these books about a pigeon. I checked out every single one of them from my schools library. I loved the humor, bright colors, and simplicity of them. There was a project at school where you got to write your own book, and of course I wanted to base it on the pigeon series. I had a lot of fun doing this. Soon enough, I was making up little stories and drawing cartoon pigeons in my notebook.
  • The time I failed spelling

    The time I failed spelling
    In third grade, I was a horrible speller. Every week there would be a spelling test, and every week I would fail. When my mom got my report card, she made me study spelling every day. After a lot of hard work, I had stopped failing the tests. I had learned that if you have trouble with something, it doesn't magically get easier. You need to put in the work.
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
    I was at the school library, on a class trip to pick out a book for silent reading. I noticed a few of my classmates huddled around the comedy section of the library. They were looking at the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I decided to see what they were raving about, so I checked one out. When I got back to class and started reading the book, I was laughing out loud. The book was so enjoyable to read that it had played a part in my love for reading.
  • Bookworm

    When I was in 5th grade, I didn't have many friends. Everyday recess would come, and I was usually alone. So instead of sulking around I picked up my silent reading book. I remember being so absorbed in what I was reading. I was transported into a land of fiction, and everything else was tuned out. Later in the year, when I did make friends, sometimes I still chose to read.
  • A book so good you read it over and over.

    A book so good you read it over and over.
    At the end of my 6th grade year, my science/math teacher gifted me a book. It was written by stephen hawking, and was titled, "George's Secret Key to the Universe". I had intrest in all things that related to the universe, so I was very excited to read it. The book made concepts of astrophysics and cosmology much easier for me to swallow. The book was also very enjoyable to read, and I remember each time I read it over I was excited by every twist and turn.