English timeline

  • See films and series

    I allways saw a film or a serie. For exampe, now I am watching "por trece razones" but I saw "Vis a vis" or "Elite" during the confinament. It was very entertaining.
  • The first week

    My first week in the confinament was horrible. I wasn´t ready to stay one month or more in house.
  • Boring days

    It cost me a lot to adapte to the confinament. All days were similar and It was bored.
  • Video calls with friends

    We always do video calls with friends. Althought we were bored at home, the time passed quikly with them.
  • A little beat of sport

    On saturday or Sunday, I used to go to my storage room to do sport. I bring a botle of water and I start doing many exercices. Althought I got tired, my time passed very fast.
  • My balcony

    When there was sun and we couldn't go outside, I always go to my balcony to take a little beat of sun. It seemed summer and I enjoyed a lot
  • Paint our house

    we take advantage of the confinement to paint our house. All the halway white, my room grey and white.... I was excited.
  • We start going to the town.

    This day was very especial, beacouse we were ouside! I start going out one hour with my mum to walk and I was happy, beacouse at last, a month and a half later we were in the street.
  • Good wethers

    When when could we go out, was very good weather, so I decided to go to the beach. There I found there Aiora and June, my friends, and we were together a little beat.
  • Now

    I think that now, there isn´t a just schedule. We can go outside In at any time, and I am very excited!