English Timeline

  • Gun Point

    Gun Point
    Just about closing time, my mom was cleaning up and my brother and I were watching tv. The store wasn't that busy so my mom wanted to close early. The door open, I turned around three guys run in, two with guns and the other with a knife. The main guy jumps up on the counter and put the gun on my moms forehead. I just stood there crying. I thought he was gonna pull the trigger but my mom punched it out of his hand and it went flying, hit the floor and slid across in front of me.
  • Working for my parents

    Working for my parents
    I had always been around and helped my parent at the shop, but this was when I formally started to work for them. When I started to get my paycheck, when I stopped messing around with siblings, when I stopped taking 2 or 3 hour breaks. I was around 13 or 14 and I started to work. At first I thought it was kind of annoying, but at the end of the day I got paid. Over the years it taught me a lot of life lessons that I will never forget.
  • Great Loss

    Great Loss
    Friday the thirteenth, a day of bad luck, a day I will never forget. I was waiting for my Dad to come home so that he could take me to football practice. He gets home, and you could just see in his eyes that something happened. He tells me that my grandpa just passed away. I just there with my football equipment in my hand and froze. Didn't know what to think or how to react. Then all of sudden it hit me and I just started bawling crying.
  • Coaches Award

    Coaches Award
    I was at the football diner, the whole team was there and we were messing around. The time came when the coaches started to give out the coaches award. Coach started to list some of the qualities of the player who will receive the award. When he said my name I was kind of surprised but at the same time I wasn't. I had worked hard the whole season, and me personally I thought I deserved it.
  • First Concert

    First Concert
    I was 15 years old and it was my sophomore year going into high school. I was going to see one of my favorite artist of all time, Logic. The whole experience since I got at the venue will always be remembered. This moment paved my way of thinking on how life is so short. This because at one point during the concert Logic stopped and told the whole crowd do what you want in life and live to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised. It got to me, for some reason and since that day it stuck.
  • First Car

    First Car
    Most of my friends get their cars handed to them from their parents. But when it came to me I had worked so hard for such a long time to the point where I didn't need my parents to hand me something that I was capable of purchasing by myself. One of dads good friend was selling one of his cars and since he knew me he gave me a good deal on the car. This is one thing I feel pretty accomplished in life about.
  • Another House

    Another House
    My dad had been looking for a new house to invest for a while. He had previously bought one about year ago and this time he brought me along through the whole process of buying a house in Danbury. Even to the closing of the house. He taught me a lot, in the business aspect of purchasing a house. He taught me some things I have to keep in mind and from the whole experience I learned that this might be an area of interest when I go to college.
  • cap

    The whole team was in the LGI and we all took a vote on who should be a captain. I voted for Brendan Fox, and Charlie Russell. later that day at the end practice coach announced the three captains, Brendan Fox, Charlie Russell and Mark Delgado. I didn't think I would be chosen but I was.