English step 26 Timeline

  • East India Company

    Queen Elizabeth I started the East India Company in 1600 to develop trade between Britain and India.
  • English arrived in the Caribbean

    A new form of English called Creole was created. It started as a simplified version of English. The French language did also affect Creole. Almost more than the English! It was originally spoken between the sailors and slaves that were brought to America and the slaves used a lot of the English words and mixed it with their native language making the dialect. Now it’s spoken by over 1,2 million people!
  • First Fleet

    “The first fleet” was literally the first fleet. It consisted of 11 ships. It arrived at Port Jackson, Australia in 1788 with the first cargo of people. But these people weren't free at all! They were criminals and were punished this way. They were sent to this continent and weren’t allowed to go or travel back to England.