
English Literature

  • 449

    Legends of Scandinavia

    Legends of Scandinavia
    One of his most outstanding works is "Beowulf" an epic poem about the eponymous Geatish Eponymous.
    the original text was written in old english, Its author is unknown.
  • Period: 449 to 1065


    Characterized by an oral tradition of epic poems, songs, and poetry, it was well established by pre-Columbian Germanic settlers.
  • 597


    Saint Augustine begins the conversion of the Anglas-Saxons to Christianity. And so a new hybrid culture appears
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    The ecclesiastical history of the English people

    The ecclesiastical history of the English people
    It talks about how the Germanic peoples are, their myths, culture, customs and behavior
  • Period: 1050 to 1200


    The discovery of individuality was one of the most important developments
  • 1066

    The middle ages

    The middle ages
    Medieval English was fueled by the Norman invasion of Britain. This period had a great focus on the Roman Catholic Church as it was an essential part of daily life for both kings and farmers.
    Under the influence of the new aristocracy, French became the standard language of the courts, parliament, and educated society. As the invaders integrated, their language and literature mixed with that of the natives, and the Norman dialects of the ruling classes became Anglo-Normans.
  • 1387

    Canterbury Tales

    Canterbury Tales
    The Canterbury Tales is a collection of twenty-four tales written in Middle English by the English writer Geoffrey Chaucer.
  • Period: 1387 to 1400

    Literary contribution

    Famous works from this period include the history of the kings of Great Britain and the Canterbury tales( English writer Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400)
  • Period: 1485 to


    The English renaissance saw the rise of the merchant class in Britain. Mathematics, science, technology, education etc. They became more accessible to the masses. The feudal system was slowly dissolving.
  • Period: 1558 to

    Isabelina Literature

    The Isabelina Era witnessed the flowering of literature, especially drama: producing the so-called Elizabethan theater. During this period the writer William Shakespeare made his appearance. Thomas Wyatt introduced the sonnet to England in the early 16th century. Within the theater of the Elizabethan era, writers such as Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker and Francis Beaumont must be highlighted.
  • 1567


    The Bible has been enormously influential, and not only among the religious communities that hold it sacred. The literature, art, and music of Western culture in particular are deeply indebted to biblical themes, motifs, and images.
  • Period: 1567 to

    Jacobin Literature

    After Shakespeare's death, the poet and playwright Ben Jonson became the most prominent figure in literature. Among the authors who followed Johnson's style, John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont, who wrote a brilliant comedy, * The Knight of the Burning. Pestle.
  • 1582

    Wedding of William Shakespeare

    Wedding of William Shakespeare
    Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a family friend who lived in the nearby village of Shottery. At the time of their marriage, Shakespeare was only 18 years old, whereas Anne was 26
  • Period: to

    Edmun Spenser

    Especially remembered for his epic poem The Queen of the Fairies.
    The Queen of the Fairies is a curious mixture of chivalric novel and moral and historical allegory for which its author used a type of stanza of his invention, later known as a Spenserian stanza.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    It is one of the most popular works by the English author and, together with Hamlet and Macbeth, the one that has been represented the most times. Although the story is part of a long tradition of tragic romances dating back to ancient times, the plot is based on the English translation (The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet, 1562)
  • Hamlet

    By the English playwright William Shakespeare, one of the masterpieces of world literature.
  • Shakespeare 'Sonnets

    Shakespeare 'Sonnets
    Are often breath-taking, sometimes disturbing and sometimes puzzling and elusive in their meanings. As sonnets, their main concern is ‘love’, but they also reflect upon time, change, aging, lust, absence, infidelity and the problematic gap between ideal and reality when it comes to the person you love
  • Period: to

    Neoclassical period

    Neoclassical writers tried to imitate the style of the Romans and Greeks. The writing characteristics focused primarily on people's appearances, rather than their true feelings.
    Neoclassical literature not only influenced literature in general, but also other areas of the arts, such as painting, music, sculpture, architecture, and even clothing. This literature seeks to enhance the structures of the thinkers of Ancient Greece and Rome.
  • Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

    Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
    Also known as Molière, he was a French writer who served as a writer, actor, and lawyer.
    His most famous work is Tartuffe, considered one of the most controversial for mocking the wealthy class.
  • Jane Austen

    Jane Austen
    Distinctive literary style relies on a combination of parody, burlesque, irony, free indirect speech and a degree of realism. She uses parody and burlesque for comic effect and to critique the portrayal of women in 18th-century sentimental and gothic novels.
  • Period: to


    Romanticism changed reason, logic and science to a belief in the senses. The feelings, the imagination and the experiences were valued above all.
  • Frankestain

    It is a famous work of the romantic period, written by Mary Shelley.
  • Period: to


    The Victorian era saw a battle between romantic / gothic and neoclassical / enlightenment ideas.On the other hand, it presents a stiff coherence, an organized tenacity in all fields of human activity, and shows a determined will to transform the world and the forces of nature for the well-being and service of man.
  • Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens
    He was a British writer and novelist, one of the best known in world literature, and the most outstanding of the Victorian era. He was a master of the narrative genre, to which he printed certain doses of humor and irony, while practicing acute social criticism. In his work, the descriptions of people and places, both real and imaginary, stand out.
  • Oliver Twist

    Oliver Twist
    Oliver Twist is one of the first social novels in the history of literature, as it draws its readers' attention to various social ills of the time, such as child labor or the use of children to commit crimes. Dickens pokes fun at the hypocrisy of his day by treating these serious issues with sarcasm and black humor.
  • The portrait of Dorian Grey

    The portrait of Dorian Grey
    The portrait of Dorian Gray is considered one of the last classic works of the Gothic horror novel with a strong Faustian theme, it also shows a painter with intimate and direct affection for the main character. ."
    This novel touches on the theme of the tragic duel between the conscience and the individual. Dorian, initially seduced by the hedonistic theories of his friend Lord Henry, falls into a life of pleasure, sins and secrets.
  • Period: to


    The modernist British authors had a feeling of betrayal after being devastated by two world wars in Europe. They no longer saw their government or even our religions as means to give answers in life, therefore they evolved and sought to find answers for themselves themselves. Sometimes using allegories or even fantasies to do it.
  • Period: to


    It was a literary aesthetic current of Anglo-American poetry at the beginning of the 20th century that favored the precision of the image (image in English), and a clear and precise language.
  • Dark matter

    Dark matter
    His Dark matter contains a large number of allegories at different levels, dealing with metaphysics, quantum physics and philosophy, especially in the religious sphere, from the author's perspective.Its author is Philip Pullman.