
English Literature

  • 500

    Old English (450-1066)

    Old English (450-1066)
    The Venerable Bede (673–735), in his monastery at Jarrow, completes his history of the English church and people
  • 1500

    Middle English (1066--1500)

    It is a period poetry. during this time the
    Chancery standard a form of london-based
    English became widespread and the printing press regularized the language
  • English Renaissance

    English Renaissance
    this era belongs elizabeth's empire. Also to the empire of Jacobean (1567-1625) who also inherited the crown of England in 1603 as James. And the Caroline era refers to the era in English and Scottish history during the Stuart period. Shakespeare's sonnets, written ten years previously, are published
  • Puritan (1653-1660)

    Puritan (1653-1660)
    The Puritans were a religious collective who can be said to have invented their identity by means of the word.
    A main character is: John Winthrop (1588-1649)
  • Restoration Age 1660-1700

    Restoration Age  1660-1700
    The Restoration period or the Age of Dryden because monarchy was restored in England. Dryden was the representative writer of this period. The restoration of King Charles II. There is is procces of social transformation
  • Neoclasical Period, Age of reason (1660-1785)

    Neoclasical Period, Age of reason (1660-1785)
    Emphasized classical ideals of rationality and control (human nature is constant though time)
    Developed in France ( Moliere, Rosseau, Voltaire)
    Art should reflect the universal commonality of human nature "all man are created equal"
  • 18th Century (1700-1798)

    18th Century (1700-1798)
    is a style of British literature produced during the reigns of Queen Anne, King George I, and George II . The Augustan Age was the period after the Restoration era to the death of Alexander Pope (~1690 - 1744). The major writers of the age were Pope and John Dryden in poetry, and Jonathan Swift and Joseph Addison in prose. The Age of Johnson, often referred to as The Age of Sensibility, is the period in English
    literature that ranged from the middle of the eighteenth century until 1798
  • Romanticism (1798-1837)

    Romanticism (1798-1837)
    Romantic poetry and novel.
    Romanticism was an artistic and intellectual movement that ran from the late eighteenth century through the nineteenth century. It stressed strong emotion as a source of aesthetic experience, placing emphasis on such emotions as trepidation, horror. Romanticism arose as a reaction against the excessive rationalism of the Enlightenment. Famous Romantic Poets:
    William Blake (1757 –1827) Poet, artist, Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870), Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885)
  • Victorian (1837-1901)

    Victorian (1837-1901)
    The literature of the Victorian age (1837-1901) entered a new period after the romantic revival. The literature of this era was preceded by romanticism and was followed by modernism or realism. The persistent popular embrace of Victorian literature has had a profound influence on modern literature and media. Writers such as Charles Dickens . Though the Victorian Age produced two great poets Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning, the age is also remarkable for the excellence of its prose
  • Modern Literature (1901-1940)

    Modern Literature (1901-1940)
    Literary modernism, or modernist literature, has its origins in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mainly in Europe and North America, and is characterized by a very self-conscious break with traditional ways of writing, in both poetry and prose fiction.
  • Post Moderns (1949-2000)

    Post Moderns (1949-2000)
    Postmodernism is also known by the name of postmodernity is a fairly broad concept that for the general is a trend that meets the culture, art and philosophy and emerged at the end of the twentieth century. Generally, experts on the subject become a subject that is in a postmodern position in the things that are related and related to the cult of individuality
    Postmodernism representatives:
    José María Eguren
  • Contemporary Period (1945 to the present)

    Contemporary Period (1945 to the present)
    Literature as a venue for socio-politico-economic religious disscusions an a vehicle po personal thoughts and feelings has become more marked. The Amber Spyglass completes Philip Pullman's trilogy, His Dark Materials