English History Timeline Project

By T Jazz
  • 1688 BCE

    Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
  • 1666 BCE

    The Great Fire of London

    The Great Fire of London
  • 1665 BCE

    The plague

    The plague
  • 1662 BCE


  • 1642 BCE

    English Civil War

    English Civil War
  • 1625 BCE

    Charles I

    Charles I
  • 1603 BCE

    James I

    James I
  • 1588 BCE

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
  • 1558 BCE

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
  • 1553 BCE

    Mary I

    Mary I
  • 1552 BCE

    Edward VI

    Edward VI
  • 1542 BCE

    Mary Queen of Scots

    Mary Queen of Scots
  • 1531 BCE

    The Convocation

    The Convocation
  • 1509 BCE

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
  • 1485 BCE

    Henry VII

    Henry VII
  • 1455 BCE

    Wars of the Roses

    Wars of the Roses
  • 1337 BCE

    Hundred Years’ War

    Hundred Years’ War
  • 1086 BCE

    Domesday Book completed

    Domesday Book completed
  • 1066 BCE

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
  • 1016 BCE

    Canute the Dane

    Canute the Dane
  • 871 BCE

    Alfred the Great

    Alfred the Great
  • 55 BCE

    Julius Caesar conquers the Celts

    Julius Caesar conquers the Celts