1688 BCE
Glorious Revolution
1666 BCE
The Great Fire of London
1665 BCE
The plague
1662 BCE
1642 BCE
English Civil War
1625 BCE
Charles I
1603 BCE
James I
1588 BCE
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
1558 BCE
Elizabeth I
1553 BCE
Mary I
1552 BCE
Edward VI
1542 BCE
Mary Queen of Scots
1531 BCE
The Convocation
1509 BCE
Henry VIII
1485 BCE
Henry VII
1455 BCE
Wars of the Roses
1337 BCE
Hundred Years’ War
1086 BCE
Domesday Book completed
1066 BCE
Battle of Hastings
1016 BCE
Canute the Dane
871 BCE
Alfred the Great
55 BCE
Julius Caesar conquers the Celts