English history

  • 6000 BCE


    The British Isles are formed as water levels rise separating them from mainland Europe.
  • 2200 BCE


    The construction of Stonehenge is completed.
  • 600 BCE


    The Celtic peoples begin to arrive and establish their culture.
  • 55 BCE


    Roman leader Julius Caesar invades Britain, but withdraws.
  • 1170


    Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is put to death by Henry II.
  • 1215


    King John is forced to sign the Magna Carta
  • 1297


    William Wallace leads the Scotts in their defeat of the English. He is defeated a year later at the Battle of Falkirk.
  • 1337


    The Hundred Years' War with France begins. It will last until 1453.
  • 1349


    The Black Death hits England killing a large portion of the English population.
  • 1415


    The English defeat the French at the Battle of Agincourt.
  • 1453


    The Hundred Years' War comes to an end.
  • 1455


    The War of the Roses begins between the families of the Plantagenets and the Lancastrians for the right to rule England.
  • 1485


    The War of the Roses ends with the crowning of Henry Tudor as King Henry VII. The House of Tudor begins its reign.
  • 1508


    Henry VIII is crowned king.
  • 1534


    Henry VIII forms the Church of England.
  • 1536


    England and Wales are joined by the Act of Union.
  • 1558


    Elizabeth I becomes Queen. The Elizabethan Era begins.
  • 1580


    Explorer Sir Francis Drake completes his journey around the globe.
  • 1588

    The English fleet led by Sir Francis Drake defeat the Spanish Armada.
  • 1591

    William Shakespeare begins writing and performing plays.
  • 1600

    The East India Company is established.
  • 1602

    James I becomes king and rules over England and Scotland. He is the first of the Stuart family to rule.
  • 1605

    Guy Fawkes fails in his attempt to blow up Parliament.
  • 1620

    The Pilgrims set sail for America aboard the Mayflower.
  • 1666

    The Great Fire of London destroys much of the city.
  • 1689

    The English Bill of Rights is established giving more power to the parliament.
  • 1707

    England and Scotland are united as one country called Great Britain.
  • 1756

    The Seven Year's War begins.
  • 1770

    The Industrial Revolution begins in England.
  • 1776

    The American colonies declare their independence from Britain.
  • 1801

    The British and Irish parliaments are joined by the Act of Union to create the United Kingdom.
  • 1805

    The British fleet defeats Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar.
  • 1837

    Queen Victoria is crowned queen. The Victorian Era begins.
  • 1854

    The Crimean War is fought against Russia.
  • 1914

    World War I begins. The United Kingdom fights with Allies against the Central Powers led by Germany.
  • 1918

    World War I ends.
  • 1921

    Ireland is granted independence.
  • 1928

    Women gain equal rights to vote.
  • 1939

    World War II begins. The United Kingdom joins the Allies against the Axis Powers.
  • 1940

    The United Kingdom is bombed by the Germans for months during the Battle of Britain.
  • 1945

    World War II ends.
  • 1952

    Elizabeth II is crowned queen.
  • 1979

    Margaret Thatcher becomes the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom.
  • 1981

    Prince Charles marries Lady Diana.
  • 1982

    The Falklands War occurs.
  • 1991

    The United Kingdom joins the United States in the Gulf War.
  • 1997

    Princess Diana dies in a car crash. Britain gives control of Hong Kong to China.
  • 2003

    The Iraq War occurs.
  • 2011

    Prince William marries Catherine Middleton.