English History

By WalshC
  • 55

    Julius Ceaser's Conquest of England

    The Roman General leads an army to take over the British Isles. They faced harsh resistance from Celtis's and he hastily claimed victory.
  • 155

    Roman Claims to England are Enacted

    One hundred years after Julius Ceaser went to the British Isles roman army's come to fully take over control and establish their culture.
  • Period: 155 to 410

    Roman Control of the British Isles

    For three hundred years the Roman Military had control of England and its surrounding areas. They brought their culture and traditions to the land and created the group called "Romanized Britons."
  • Period: 410 to 448

    Lack of Protection Against Invaders

    With the Roman Military leaving to protect their homeland England was left unprotected and subject to invasion from Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic tribes.
  • 449

    Briton Push Against the Invaders

    Around 449 Britons led by a Celtic Chief Arthur fought several battles against the invaders but were pushed to the west in places like Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, and Scotland.
  • Period: 455 to 790

    Anglo-Saxon Culture Influence

    With Anglo-Saxons as the main component of culture, language, and governance they created what is known as Old English.
  • 790

    Viking Invasion

    The new invaders of England were the Vikings from Denmark and Norway. They came and raided whole villages.
  • 871

    Defeat of Danes by Alfred the Great

    With a powerful Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great having managed to cause a huge defeat to the Danes he Unified the English and created a document of English History called The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
  • Period: 1042 to 1066

    Edward the Confessor's Heir Issues

    The childless Edward had no specific heir for his whole reign, this led to Harold and William being the primary people who could have become the new king. Harold and William fought at the battle of Hastings which left Harold dead and William to take the throne.
  • Dec 25, 1067

    William is Crowned King

    William, now the King of England put other normans into positions of power and removed the previous Anglo-Saxon nobles.