Pre-English (?-450 CE)
-We don't have the exact date were this period begins (first people to live in Britain).
-7 Celtic cultures with 4 langages: Cumbric, Welsh, Cornish and Common brittonic. -
Romans invasion (43CE)
-During the Pre English period the Romans invaded Britain but focused on building fortresses, light houses, etc.
-They built the Hadiran's wall for protection.
-And then they left. -
Pre English to Old English
Old English (450-1066CE)
-The Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded Britain (Anglesaxons) and they did interact with the Celtic tribes because of the trading. They spoke Proto Germanic. -
Chistians arrival
-The Cristians arrived and they spoke Latin too.
-A representative book was Beowulf (700/1000CE) -
Vikings arrival (750/1050BC)
-The Vikings arrived later. They Spoke Old Norse. -
Old English to Middle English
-With this fusion between languages and cultures, english started gaining its own words (lake, skin, river, sky, etc.) -
Middle English (1066-1450 CE)
-The Normans arrived speaking Old French wich becae the language of the aristocrats.
-Old English remained for the lower classes. -
The Canterbury Tales
-Known as Chauser's Language due to Geoffrey Chaucer and his book The Canterbury Tales (1400 CE). -
Middle English to Earli Modern English
-At this time English as enriched with many words. Around 30% of the words were influenced by the Old French. -
Early Modern English (1450-1700 CE)
-Also known as Elizabethan English.
-The great vowel shift, silent letters, epic poems to novels. -
Many representative texts
-W. Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, etc.
-E. Spencer - The Faerie Queene
-J. Milton - Paradise Lost
-J. Bunyon - The Pilgrim's Profress
-A. Marvell - Tottiscoy Mistress
-Etc. -
Early to Late Modern English
-"Same" periods but many changes. -
Late Modern English (1700-today)
-Also known as Vitorian English.
-Changes because og the industrial revolution, colonialism, scientific advancements.
-That way it was influences by other cultures such ad the hindi, and they created many word because of the new machines.