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  • Roots of Antisemitism

    There are many theories of why the Christians did not like the Jewish. One theory was that when Christians capture land they expect the captured people to follow their religion. The Jews did not follow the Christian religion and were viewed as hostile. So they continued to have conflicts until Jesus intervened and the Jewish complete separated from all Christian neighbors and rules. This ended most conflicts between the two religions.
  • Race and Antisemitism

    The separation between the two religions was ending due to the people believing that their was misinformation. The new idea was race. The people now believed that the Aryans thought their race was superior to the Jews. Scientist even showed flaws such as the religions being more alike but these ideas were ignored. This survey had little impact on this idea. This created war between the race to the point of no return. A new idea came about that Jews were everywhere and many came to believe this.
  • Rise of Hitler

    Hitler became prime minister of Germany. He soon created a dictatorship based on race and terror. This idea targeted Jews as the enemy. Then Hitler made laws they stripped Jews of all rights . After this he started taking over control of neighboring countries. He then started killing off Jews almost to the point of extinction. Afterwards he set out to kill the last large groups of Jews who held off until he took control of their government and the Jews were to be killed.