I started Powerlifting in 2015 and it helped a lot with my Anxiety and O.C.D. I have been lifting for 3.5 years and it has been. A successful moment of lifting 360 on my deadlift comes to mind when I think of powerlifting. -
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Influences on my Life
Television has a profound effect on everyone and for me it all started with one show Power Rangers and now the influence is family guy. The TV shows you watch shape the way you act and your comedy. a moment of failure is the fact that instead of watching Television I should be reading But, here I am. -
wrestling was a large influence on my life. i have been wrestling for 9 years and it shaped my athletic career and it's hard after 9 years to not be influenced by it over the years. Over the years though I began to hate the sport and there was a failure time when I didn't want to show up or even try. -
My parents have given obviously influenced me in my life. They gave me many skills and showed me how a person should act and how hard work looks like. -
My Grandfather's have influenced me in many ways being around my grandfather on vacation telling jokes and just helped by teaching me things in general. I think of going on vacation with my Grandfather and cracking jokes the whole time. -
Where I live is an influence on me as a person. If I didn't grow up in Brewster New York and grew up somewhere else my life could be different I could act different. -
Growing up going to church every Sunday and going to CCD definitely influenced me. Maybe in ways not related to the faith (although the faith is some thing that influenced me) I learned to stick and keep doing things you believe in. -
Video Games
Growing up playing videogames influenced me and helped me connect with people and helped me have something that I am very fond of. even driving me to Build myself a PC. Of course there are moments of failures like when I get angry and "Rage Quit" On a game that is a low moment. -
People I look up to
In general there are people that I look up to people that work hard and do things that I one Day hope to do. I believe that everyone has someone they look up to, someone they want to be like. -
Music is and always has been a large factor in my life. it is a way of expression and a way of relaxation and I use it as both. it is one of my favorite ways to relax. I think of when I was a child and used to have to sleep and couldn't sleep without music. A successful use that I use music for is it connects me and my family going to concerts and hanging out