My parents were 21 when I was born and had been married alittle over a year. they were both raised in religious homes, my mom Fundamental Southern Baptist, my dad stern Catholic. Although they both went to public colleges and high schools, they both logged alot of church time in their younger years, they were going to bring this to a whole new level with their own family. This shaped so much of the my early literature years. -
I was the first child to my parents and the first grandchild and great grandchild on both sides of my family. I saw one grandparent or another every weekend, they were all storytellers, my great grandmother especially was the great story teller in my young life. She lived through the depression and had many great stories to tell. -
Sunday School
One of earliest memories I gave of books and stories was in Sunday school. We went every week and some of the stories were traumatic about going to hell but overall the experience was a positive one. My favorite bible story/childrens book for about Jonah and the Whale. -
My dad would work long days, leaving for work before I got up and usually would be home about 5:30 for dinner. Despite his long days, reading to me before bed was always important to him. He had many books of his own laying around the house. My dad likes the genre of horror, thrillers and suspense novels. Stephen King, James Patterson and Dean Koontz didn't fit with the bible verses that hung on the wall of my childhood home but they were common none the less. -
My kindergarten teacher was my favorite teacher in elementary school, we were her first class after college. She was fun and had a great sense of humor. Graduation came complete with a Circus themed play where I was cast as a clown, I had lines welcoming everyone and I remember being super nervous but I pulled it off without a hitch! -
The Amish Footloose
As far back as I can remember religion and church was a high source of literary material in my world. As a family we went to church atleast twice a week. When I became school age I went to the academy associated with the church. I commonly compare my childhood a cross between the 80's Footloose with Kevin Bacon where there was no dancing or music except hymns and show tunes. And an Amish community, there was daily contact with the outside world but no TV, girls couldn't wear pants. -
Elementary school reading program
Food has a long history of motivating a person to do thing they don't necessarily look forward to doing. In elementary school I didn't hate reading but I would much rather be doing other things. Every year in elementary school there was an incentive program called "Book it". For every 5 books (15-20 pages) you read you got a coupon for a free personal pan pizza. We didn't go out to eat often and my brother and I are both competitive in nature so it was a win, win! -
My Mom
Throughout my childhood in suburban Chicago we got the news papers on Sunday only. In a way, just getting the paper one day a week made it more special. In first and second grade when reading was still pretty new and exciting. After church on Sunday afternoons my mom and I would split paper. The Chicago Sunday paper is 20 pages if not more, alot to work with. During the week my mom and I would discuss stories that stuck out. Looking back it definitely enhanced my literacy journey. -
4th Grade
In 4th grade the whole class had to dress like shepherds as part of a Christmas play. Each one of us had a line of the divine birth story to recite or bible verse to read. 4th grade was probably my 2nd favorite, great class but full of drama, me included. I saw my 4th grade teacher about 5 years ago in Janesville, weird because I went to school near Chicago. She remembered me! I told her it was because I was bad, good is boring, you don't often remember good things decades later. -
5th Grade
My first A on a research paper came in 5th grade. The assignment was a 6 page on an marine animal. I chose horse shoe crabs for reasons unknown. The teacher read it to the class, I think she was just as surprised as I was with amount of effort I put in. HA! -
Library Memories
In 8th grade there was a neighborhood boy that I liked in highschool. He was dorky but cute, liked the Miami Dolphins and R.O.T.C.
We would meet at the library after dinner twice a week. My parents thought I had a report I was working on not meeting anyone. One evening we were sitting on the stairs in front of the library when my dad making a B-line towards me. After that I wasn't allowed to go to that library anymore, I had to go to the one by my school 20 minutes away. -
First Poetry Assignment
In 9th grade there was my first poetry assignment, I took advance of the no popular music knowledge of my teachers and classmates. I took the lyrics to the song Rat in a cage by Smashing Pumpkins and turned it in as my own. The teacher gave me the feedback that my poem a bit disturbing and simplistic but gave me a B on the assignment. I thought I was clever. -
VC Andrews
In high school my neighborhood best friend and I wrote a erotic short story after we both read Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews. It was the first novel either one of read all the way through without being required. I was running out the door that day but had no pockets so I folded up the story, put it on a shelf next to the door leading to the garage from the mud room and forgot about it. Weeks later my mom found it. I think I might have been a religious parents worst nightmare. -
I was part of the year book committee through out my 4 years in high school. It was lots of fun and I made many friends. It also taught me about all the work that goes into making a book. Edits upon edits, lots of time and effort. The mascot for the school I went to was the Marquette Minutemen and the yearbook was called the Musket. Not very fierce or tough sounding I know, but I learned a lot. -
Letter to my Papa
My mom is the oldest of 5, her youngest siblings (my aunts) were 4 years old than me. They were the ones I looked up to, the cool ones who had all the new trendy things. They phone had their own phone lines and I wanted one too, but their was no way in the world my "amish" parents were going to go for that. So I wrote a letter to my Papa (their dad) asking for one. He didn't go for it either but he got a kick out of it and kept the letter in his wallet the rest of his life. -
Letters to my daughter
I was pretty young when my daughter was born, it was an uncertain time in my life and she brought a much needed anchor and so much joy. During my pregnancy and from time to time for her first 4 years I wrote letters to her documenting the little things you forget about once a little time passes. I was so happy she came along and a cherished time, I didn't want to miss a thing. Those letters were like a journal for me as a window into my world at the time. -
Joined FaceBook
In 1997 my parents got me my first computer but I didn't use it very much because internet was dial up and slow. 2003 I started working at Grainger where 8 hours a day I was on the computer so outside of work the last thing I wanted to do was be on a computer just for fun. But in 2007 I joined Facebook because of peer pressure from my cousins who wanted keep in touch so I caved and joined. It's been a combination of class reunion and family reunion ever since :) -
France Journals
In 2010 I was able to take a trip with a close friend to Europe. My friend has family all over France and we were there for 3 weeks. I wrote emails to myself every night of the trip to journal this once in a lifetime adventure. I have never really been one to have a diary or journal but I am so glad I took the time. Reading the emails now all those memories come flooding back, the excitement grabs you right away. It was a truly incredible experience. Pic is at the Palace of Versailles. -
Every small kid I have ever been around loves being read to. I read to both my kids on a regular basis, a distraction to ease into bedtime or to sooth a possibly upsetting situation. More recently I was reading to my 2 year old nephew in the E.R. so he wouldn't get upset about my cut foot. It worked like a charm and even the medical staff was following along with the adventures of Thomas the train, saying "oh no!" when Thomas got into trouble. -
After receiving several compliments on my own resume for the past 6 years or so I have helped many people I know with their professional resumes. I approach it with imagination and creativity. Not unlike an art project. It's an outlet to express something I don't often get to do and I really enjoy being able to help someone.