My first word
I remember my first word that I memorized to write was "ass". I learned how to write that word my older sister, she is 8 years older than I am. back in the day when she had a "AOL" account she was always on the computer. I'm not to sure why she was typing the word ass I can only assume that her boyfriend was being an ass. -
I wrote a book
I don't remember what grade i was in or even where i was living at the time. If i had to guess i would say it was in fourth grade when i wrote this book. I cant remember what i ended up titling it. It was a school assingment and our parents had ended up paying to get our stories into a book with covers. I wrote about my dog ruger and how he saved me from wolves. We even go to draw the pictures to go with each page. -
guinness world book of records
After I finished my first book I would pick out other treehouse books and I could never get into them, so I tried different books all types. It was hard for me to find books that I liked so I gave up and would just check out "Guinness world book of records" -
Bedtime stories with my brother
At night I would read bedtime stories to my little brother and sister. Dr. sues of course, they were nice and short and an easy read for me. mine and my brothers favorite was "Wocket in my Pocket". -
My favorite spelling word
In third grade I went to Roosevelt. At that school I remember being called a hick, yes in second grade. For some reason I started to believe all the kids. Being a "hick" isn't a bad thing but it just meant that I was different than these yuppies I got stuck going to school with. I decided to sign up for the class spelling bee, no I didn't win but I remember spelling handkerchief right when the smartest girl in class got it wrong. I was a "hick" after all. -
Pizza hut Book Club
In 4th grade everybody had to read in class for so much time. I would never want to read, to me reading was boring. Until pizza hut came out with the pizza contest thingy. for every book that you finished your teacher would give you a coupon for a free personal pan pizza. I only finished one book. I hate reading -
My first book finished
In fourth grade I had finished my first chapter book it was a magic treehouse book. I had just moved to Orfordville elementary school and it was my first conference. while they were talking I went to the reading corner and finished my first book and even before the conference was over. I Didn't know what book to read next . -
Moving back to town
I moved back in the middle of sixth grade. During my tour i figured out that the school has musicals as an extracurricular. so in seventh grade i ended up playing in High School Musical and in eighth grade i played in Willy Wonka the new one. i was the understudy for sharpee in HSM -
Sixth grade
I moved back to Janesville during 6th grade. my sixth grade language and reading teacher was mrs. goll I thought she was mean. looking back I guess I needed a stern teacher. twice a year we would have a pajama day and we would spend the day watching movies in classes. Not in mrs. golls class! we were all made to read. -
seventh grade
I cannot remember who my seventh grade reading teacher was or even if I had one. But I do remember having a public speaker that at the age of 30 was learning how to read and write. He had his sister help him prepare for the speech. as he was speaking to us you could tell he was having troubles with both reading and emotions. telling us about his life was hard for him -
"Into the Wild"
When i discovered that my distant cousin had died and had a book written about his life i finally picked up a book for the first time and read it cover to cover in three days. -
first semester freshman year
I had no clue what I was doing. I felt like so illiterate. I failed my first semester of English in high school. How was i ever going to get my diploma if i cant even pass my first semester of English, a language i had been speaking my whole life?! All becuase of a stupid book called "to kill a mocking bird" i hated it then, when we had assignments on it and testes on every chapter every other day. Everybody reads at their own pace. But somehow i love the book now? -
Mr. Hall
My Freshman year of high school was horrible. Being so overwhelmed i'm glad i had such an amazing teacher. Mr. Hall helped me so much with my writing and reading skills. Every time we turned in a paper he would always hand mine back and say "your improving" and smile. -
Sophmore year english
I had Sr. Siegler for English that year, Mr. hall and him were friends and I'm assuming Mr. Hall told Sr. Siegler to keep me on my toes.Mr. Siegler said he loved reading my stories and always wanted me to write more and more. then next thing i know my old teacher is emailing me telling me that my writing is phenomenal and i never keep anything inside the box. -
first semester second chance
I failed at first because of a stupid book. As i sit in this stupid class with stupid freshman and a stupid teacher I think to myself i just can't wait to get out of here. Come to find out i don't have to reread this stupid book, but instead Greek mythology! "MAN THAT'S MY SHIT!!!!!" whelp that's when Mr. Tubbs began to like me as a student. I ended up passing with a 100%. I was pretty proud of myself. -
Drivers Ed
In drivers ed we had to write an apology letter to the parents of a friend that we had just killed because we were drinking and driving. i chose my friend Taylor because I thought we would stay friends even when we have to adult. -
Creative writing class
This was my favorite class! we basically did almost what ever we wanted! She would tell us what to write about and we would write. we would have three writing assignments right when we walked into the classroom. I would take that class again and again. -
short story
my senior year for creative writing we had to write a short story. Writing from my imagination is one of my strengths. The short story had a limit, 3-4 pages. Mine exceeded the limit by a lot! so i essentially made two endings to the story one i turned in then one i let my teacher read for fun. cant remember if i ever finished it. -
senior composition
Now this was the class to have back in senior year! i skipped that class so much because it was during the second lunch of the day so i would just take what was called a double lunch. at the begining of the year we got to pick what we wanted to do our semester essay on, i cant remember what i picked but as long as i made every deadline you were fine, and i did. I passed that class with an A, even not being there most of the time. -
Oral communication
first year of college at BTC. My teachers name was Dr. Dre cant remember his real name but that's what we called him because he had one of those difficult to long of names.at the end of the semester we had to do a speech about a randomly selected i ended up getting road rage. At the end of all of our speeches Dr. Dre ended up doing his own of all of ours mixed together.