Engles history of healthcare

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Early beginnings

  • 3900 BCE

    Disease caused by

    Disease caused by
    Evil spirits
  • 3600 BCE

    Treatments for sick

    Treatments for sick
    Gods healing people
  • 3100 BCE

    Medicines used today

    Belladonna and atropine
  • Period: 2999 BCE to 399

    Ancient times

  • 2900 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    First to keep health records
  • 2900 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    They healed using the gods and medicine
  • 2900 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    Physicians are priests
  • 1900 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    Acupuncture was used with stone tools. Their methods developed to advanced practice.
  • 900 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    First to study disease and find out it was natural more than spiritual
  • 100

    Ancient Roman’s

    Ancient Roman’s
    Sent medical equipment and physicians with their armies. First to organize medical care.
  • 100

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    Brought clean water to their city’s, built sewers to carry off waste, public baths with filtering
  • 100

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    Kept the ill in a room in their houses, public buildings for the care of sick were devolved soon after.
  • Period: 400 to 800

    Dark age

  • 500

    Stopped study of medicine

    When Rome empire was conquered by Huns, medicine was stopped. Church believed life and death were in gods hands. Priests and monks didn’t care about bodily function.
  • 700

    How do they treat disease

    How do they treat disease
    Primary treatment was prayer, medication consisted of herbal mixtures
  • Period: 800 to 1400

    Middle Age

  • 1100


    Caused millions of deaths during this period. Bubonic plague killed 60 mil, other diseases including small pox, diphtheria, syphilis, tuberculosis, etc
  • Period: 1350 to


  • 1450


    Rebirth of learning, new scientific progress, many developments including universities/medical schools, dissection of body for study, printing press and books, etc
  • Period: 1501 to

    16th and 17th centuries

  • 1515

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Studied and recorded the anatomy of the body
  • 1550

    Gabriele Fallopius

    Discovered fallopian tubes of female anatomy
  • 1563

    Bartolommeo Eustachio

    Discovered tube leading from ear to throat
  • William Harvey

    Used knowledge to understand physiology. Was able to describe circulation of blood and pumping of heart.
  • Antonie von leeuwehnoek

    Invented the microscope, scarped his teeth and found bacteria that causes tooth decay
  • Apothecaries

    Early farmacies
  • Period: to

    18th century

  • Benjamin Franklin

    Discoveries include bifocals, found colds that could be passed from person to person
  • Medical students learning

    Students attended lectures in a classroom and a lab so they could observe patients bedsides
  • Joseph Priestley

    Discovered the element of oxygen
  • Edward Jenner

    Discovered a method for vaccination for smallpox
  • Rene Laennec

    Invented the sethoscope
  • Period: to

    19th and 20th centuries

  • Ignaz Semmelweis

    Identified cause of childbed fever which was poor hygiene by physicians
  • Florence Nightingale

    Attracted well educated and dedicated women to the Nightingale school of nursing
  • Louis Pasteur

    Known as father of microbiology, he discovered that tiny microorganisms were everywhere, proved they caused diseases, discovered heating milk prevented the growth of bacteria.
  • Dmirtri Ivanovski

    Discovered that some diseases were caused by things we can’t see, called viruses
  • Joseph Lister

    Used carbolic acid on wounds to kill germs, became the first doctor that used antiseptic during surgery
  • Ernst von bergmann

    Developed aspesis developed a method to keep a area germ free before and after surgery ,
  • Robert Koch

    Discovered many disease causing organisms, developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens and also isolated bacerium that causes tuberculosis
  • Paul Ehrlich

    Discovered the effect of medicine on disease causing microorganisms
  • Wilhelm Roentgen

    Discovered x-rays in 2895, took very first pic using x-rays of his wife’s hand
  • Anesthesia

    Before anesthesia early physicians used to use herbs, hashish, and al honor to help relive pain.many patients died from shock and pain.
  • Sir Alexander Fleming

    Found that penicillin killed life threatening bacteria, discovery of penicillin and considered one of the most important discoveries of the twentieth century.
  • Sigmund Freud

    Discovered the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind, he determined that mind and Boyd work together
  • Gerhard Domagk

    Discovered sulfonamide compounds, kills deadly diseases
  • Jonas Salk

    Discovered the dead polio virus would cure poliomyelitis
  • Albert Sabin

    Started using a live polio virus vaccine which was more effective
  • Francis Crick and James Watson

    Discovered the structure of dna
  • Christian Barnard

    Performed the first successful heart transplant
  • Ben Carson

    Separates Siamese twins and performs hemispherectomies
  • Bionic Prosthetic

    People can have fully functioning limbs that they might have lost or were not born with
  • Period: to

    21st century

  • Artificial Organs

    Because there is always a need for organs, and for now are only option is transplant. According to science museums there are currently 7 organs being grown in a lab with success, including eyes, hearts, skin, bone, muscles, brains and livers.
  • Cyber knife

    Surgies that were not once possible through conventional methods may be possible through cyber knife. Cyber knife is robot that kills tumors with a high dose of radiation. It includes,
    No incisions
    Minimally invasive
    Less downtime after surgery
    Less opportunity for infection
    More effective than conventional surgery
  • HIV treatments

    In 2006, the FDA approved Atripla, which combined 3 antiretroviral drugs into 1. This drug decreased side effects and it was easier to stay on schedule. In 2013 another drug was introduced that combined 4 medication into one controlling the symptoms even better.
  • Controlling heart disease

    If attended to quickly, a person having a hear attack can be successfully treated by busting the blockage that prevents blood from circulating with t-PA, a genetically engineered tissue plasminogen activator.
  • Hemgenix

    Hemgenix is a new, one-time infusion for those with hemophilia B. This IV infusion, approved by the FDA in November 2022, consists of a viral vector carrying a gene for clotting Factor IX. The gene is expressed in the liver to producer Factor IX protein, which increases blood levels of Factor IX and effectively limits bleeding episodes associated with hemophilia B.