england history

  • 500


    people form europe immigrat to england ( also england was not apart of europe then) and if people had not immigrated to england then englad whould be something else today
  • Jan 1, 1337

    start of hundreds war

    start of hundreds war
    it was the start of the war and with the french but the reson for hte war was that britain was trying to take over france and make there country bigger
  • Period: Jan 1, 1337 to Jan 1, 1453

    hundered's year war

  • Jan 1, 1453

    end of hundreds year war

    this was the end but england lost the war
  • Nov 17, 1558

    new queen

    new queen
    the reign of elizabeth the I started
  • the queen

    her time in the thron ended
  • queen victoria

    queen victoria
    queen victoria starts her reaign in the thron
  • queen victoria

    queen victorias reign ends on the thron
  • world war I

    world war I
    world war I begins
  • world war I

    world war I
    world war I ends
  • church

    the first church was established and the supreme goverment of the church was queen elizabeth II it was important becuse and english church was a established church