Torre de ingenieros union


  • Independence war

    Independence war
    Ortiz & Giraldo (2003) do a brief review about the beginning of the engineering in Colombia, it started in the Independence war, when Juan del Corral inaugurated in Medellín, in August of 1814, the Academy of Military Engineers. This was the first Colombian School of Engineering.
  • First exploitations of iron in Colombia / unsuccessful

    First exploitations of iron in Colombia / unsuccessful
    First exploitation of iron were made and it was installed an oven in the farm " la pradera"; however efforts to create company were unsuccessful.
  • railway

    In Colombia the industrial development was little; between 1881-1893 some advances of the industrial revolution on railway were made; period known as regeneration because of support measures of state
  • Engineering of oils / Mechanical engineering

    Engineering of oils / Mechanical engineering
    The school of Mines in Medellin provided a skilled degree in engineering of oils, and the Bucaramanga and Cali universities initiated special courses of mechanical engineering and industrial engineering
  • First energy plant

    First energy plant
    In Cartagena in 1891 the first energy plant is born.
  • Company "Rayando papel"

    Company "Rayando papel"
    1900 and 1930 it was created the company "Rayando papel" by Mr. José Vicente Mogollon who played an important role in the country's development because even in times of crisis as it was the war of the thousand days were founded 321 publications from newspapers to magazines purchasing paper and ink to Mr. Mogollon.
  • National University

    National University
    In 1902, when the war of the One thousand Days finished, the faculty worked without interruption in the National University.
  • Coffee growing

    Coffee growing
    In 1935 there were some favorable commercial scales that detour the attention to the coffee growing; this situation articulated Colombia with the worldwide market
  • University of Santander

    University of Santander
    In 1940, it was The Industrial University of Santander the one who formed professionals in industrial Engineering
  • The Second World War

    The Second World War
    The Second World War in 1945 interrupted the arrival of raw material to Colombia; it was the University of Antioquia, the one who prepared engineers devoted to the production of these raw materials.
  • Los Andes University

    Los Andes University
    The Franciscan school, nowadays Los Andes University, was the school base: young men initiated in letters, they received a military course that had six treaties; in addition, they learnt arithmetic, classical and analytical geometry, trigonometry and algebra; they would study military architecture, hydraulic and civil, artillery, geography, cartography, principles of the tactics and other subjects
  • Departments of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

    Departments of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
    In 1961 in the national University was created the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, and in 1965 they incorporated the Department of Chemical Engineering, as the culmination of the process of academic and administrative integration made in the university. In 1969 the Department of Agricultural Engineering and in 1978 the Department of Engineering of Systems were created .
  • the University of Antioquia promoted the diversification of the careers

    the University of Antioquia promoted the diversification of the careers
    The Colombian universities saw the need to prepare professional in this area and created the engineering careers: in 1961 The Andes University in 1968, the University of Antioquia. in 1974 the Pontificia university and technological of Colombia UPTC , in 1975 the Libre University, in 1977 the Valle, in 1996 in Medellín a earthquake of the National University established the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, in 2003 the program of Industrial Engineering
  • Business in Colombia

    Business in Colombia
    1907 to 1980 were performed in the region of Santander department agro-industrial projects, industry pioneer in yarn, manufacture of sugar, exports of coffee, rubber, leather cattle and leather goat , wheat harvest, production of chocolate and alcohol, but these attempts failed because of the bad roads, low productivity and high costs. Jaime Salazar Montoya spoke of the creation of the transport company; "Transport Salazar" a family business between 1918 and 2000.
  • Industralization in Colombia

    Industralization in Colombia
    The development of the coffee economy, access to the economy of international credit, changes in economic policy, expanding infrastructure, rapid urbanization, demographic changes, the proliferation of a contingent of peasant masses and the beginning the industrialization process mark the mutations suffered by the Colombian nation on its way to modernization.