Engelska - steg 26

  • Period: 1500 to


  • Queen Elizabeth

    The trade between England and India had English as communication language and the consequence of that became that a lot of Indian people wanted to learn English. They thought they would be a lot happier if they managed English so they started to practise English. That's why the new languages Binglish and Hinglish are existing, and also why English has become more powerful.
  • Settlers in the Caribbean

    Settlers arrived to the Caribbean in the 1620's and bring English with them. Also the slaves from Africa used a lot of English word (which they've learned on the ship from Africa to America). The sailors in the Caribbean needed to learn English, so they started to use a simplified type of English, called Creole.
  • The first fleet

    The first fleet with English people arrived to Australia, transported for life. The most of the people were men, fouur men for every women. The people who came with the fleet was, as I said, transported for life, which mean that they are not allowed to return to England.