
  • Virginia (1607) - John Smith and the London Company

  • New Hampshire (1623) - John Mason was the first land holder. Later John Wheelwright

  • New York (1626) - Originally founded by the Dutch. Became a British colony in 1664

  • Massachusetts Bay (1630) - Puritans looking for religious freedom.

  • Maryland (1633) - George and Cecil Calvert as a safe haven for Catholics

  • North Carolina (1663) - Originally part of the Province of Carolina. Split off from South Carolina in 1712

  • Connecticut (1636) - Thomas Hooker after he was told to leave Massachusetts

  • Rhode Island (1636) - Roger Williams to have a place of religious freedom for all

  • Delaware (1638) - Peter Minuit and the New Sweden Company. British took over in 1664

  • South Carolina (1663) - Originally part of the Province of Carolina. Split off from North Carolina in 1712

  • New Jersey (1664) - First settled by the Dutch, the English took over in 1664

  • Pennsylvania (1681) - William Penn and the Quakers

  • Georgia (1732) - James Oglethorpe as a settlement for debtors