Coal use in the U.S.
The production of coal begins in the United States near Richmond, Virginia. -
Industrial Revolution
The economy changed from a labor based economy to a machine based economy with the introduction of the coal-powered steam engine. -
Streetlights Lit
In Baltimore, Maryland street lights are installed and lit with fuel produced from coal. -
The Light Bulb
Edison made the first public demonstration of his incandescent light in Menlo Park. It was during this time that he said, "We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles." -
Edison Power System
Edison opens the first coal-fired power station in NYC meant to supply electricity speciflicly for lighting households. He called it Pearl Street Station. -
Coal Becomes Major Source of Power
As the popularity of cars drastically rose, oil became the most used source of energy in the U.S. with coal being a close second. -
First Nuculear Power Plant in the U.S.
The first commercial nuclear power plant in the U.S. is built and opened in Pennsylvania. It was called the Shippingport Atomic Power Station. -
Nuclear Energy on the Rise
Nuclear power becomes the second largest source of energy in America, replacing hydropower. -
First Electric Car
General Motors creates the first mass production electric car named, "The Impact EV1." -
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy in the United States accounted for 13.44 percent of the domestically produced electricity in 2015, an all time high.