First Steam Engine Invented
Crude engine was invented by Thomas Savory -
Ben Franklin tied a key to a kite
Ben Franklin , proved that static electricity and lightning were the same -
First Electric Light Created
Created by Humphry Davy -
The electric streetcar was invented
Created by the scientist E.W. v. Siemens -
The induction of the coil transformer was developed
Developed by William Stanley -
AC powerline was opened.
The 20 mile power line sent power from niagra falls, to buffalo New York -
Highest voltage transmission.
Highest voltage transmission line 60 Kilovolt -
Nuclear Fission is Discovered
Transistor invented
1947 Transistor invented by scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratiories. -
Shippingport Reactor in Pennsylvania
Shippingport Reactor in Pennsylvania was the first nuclear power plant to provide electricity to customers in the U.S.