Energy Timeline

  • First Solar Power System Developed

    First Solar Power System Developed
    Augustine Mouchot (of France) was worried about the possibility of fossil fuels running out, so he developed a solar powered steam generation system. His research led him to develop the first sun motor, which used the heat from sunlight to produce steam (that was used to drive machinery).
  • First Windmill (to generateg electricity) Developed

    First Windmill (to generateg electricity) Developed
    While windmills were around for centuries prior to this, Charles F. Brush developed the first windmill that generated electricity in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Birth of the Modern Oil Industry

    Birth of the Modern Oil Industry
    Lucas Gusher discovered southeastern Texas's vast Spindletop oil field, with oil erupting to a height of over 50 metres. With this discovery, price of oil dropped dramatically.
  • First Test of Geothermal Power Generator

    First Test of Geothermal Power Generator
    Prince Piero Ginori Conti tested the first geothermal power generation in Larderelllo, Italy; the generator successfully lit four light bulbs
  • Ford Model-T Goes into Mass Production

    Ford Model-T Goes into Mass Production
    The Ford Model T was the first affordable automobile, opening travel to the middle-class; it ran solely on ethanol.
  • Hoover Dam is Built

    Hoover Dam is Built
    Hoover Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric power plant, is completed on the Colorado River. At the time, it was the largest producer of hydroelectric energy in the world.
  • First Nuclear Power Reactor is Built

    First Nuclear Power Reactor is Built
    The nuclear power reactor (the first to generate electricity) was built in Idaho, called the Experimental Breeder Reactor-I (EBR-I). This would lead the way for a huge international industry in decades to come.
  • First Modern Silicon Solar Cell

    First Modern Silicon Solar Cell
    Bell Labs develops and announces the invention of the first silicon solar cell. The New York Times predicted that this invention will lead to energy sources from the "limitless resource of the sun".
  • OPEC is formed

    OPEC is formed
    OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) is fromed in Baghdad, Iraq. Its objective is co-oridnate and unify petroleum policies among the members.
  • Solar Energy Research Institute established

    Solar Energy Research Institute established
    The US Department of Energy launches this institute in Golden, Colorado. The purpose of the Solar Energy Research Institute, now the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, was to develop solar energy and to popularise knowledge of solar power.