Steam engines.
on this sate the first steam engine was invented. -
Ben franklin proved that static electriciy and lightening are the same when he tied a key to a kite string. -
hydroelectris plants
on this day the first hydro electric plant open for operation. in the state of wisconsin -
First Electric plant
on this day the first electric plant was invented by Thomas Edison.googlec.google -
free alcohol bill
this was signed to be used as an alternative to gasoline. the alcohol was treated as to be unfit for drinking.this was signed by throdore roosevelt. -
first nuclear power reactor
on this day the first nuclear power reactor to generate electricity was built in the state of idaho. -
atomic energy act
on this day the US congress passed the Atomic Energy aAct of 1954 -
first commercial nuclear power plant
on this day the first commercial nuclear power plant begins operation in pennsylvania -
US nuclear regularoty commision
on this day concress creates the US Nuclear Regulatory commission to replace the atomic energy commision -
Department of Energy Organization Act
on this day the Department of Energy OrganizationAct is sighed, creating the US Department of Energy