Ender game 5-6-7-8-9

By itapii
  • Chapter 5

    Upon arrival, they settled in their recruit rooms and bunk beds. There they met Dap, his tutor, and the closest thing they were going to have a mother. Soon after, in the battle games, Ender demonstrated his great dexterity by earning a child a few years older than him, and thus gaining some respect for the elders. It didn't take long for Bernard to start a gang, and start messing with the other kids. Ender attacked but secretly hacked the console and sent messages posing as Bernard.
  • Chapter 6

    It didn't take long to get them to the battle room to practice. Only Alai and Ender stood out there, thus styling a friendship. Alai was very friendly with Bernard and thus managed to make a group (Ender, Shen, Alai and Bernard), who fought against others, thus achieving a positive result
  • Chapter 7

    A short time later, Ender was transferred to a squadron, the Salamandra squadron. Order and discipline reigned there, all ordained and led by Enzo, its commander. From the beginning, Enzo hated Ender. He ordered him from the start not to do anything in the battles, not even to pull out the gun. Her only friend was Petra, another outcast, who offered to give Ender some shooting lessons. At the same time endeafied Ender taught his old group of recruits.
  • chapter 8

    It didn't take long to change squadrons. They changed him to the Rat Squadron, which was totally different from the Salamandra squadron. There was no discipline, everyone played, screamed and did whatever they wanted. Your commander, like the squadron, was totally opposed to Bonzo.
  • chapter 8 (2)

    It had been exchanged at the request of a battalion chief, Dink Meeker, the school's best commander, for the time being. Dink trained and acted on his own, just as he chose his own soldiers. Thanks to that battalion, they were where they were. Thanks to Dink, Ender improved a lot and some of his strategies began to be used in ode the school, he became the best soldier in The Belt
  • Chapter 9

    Ender's family had moved, now living surrounded by forests and trees. Peter had changed, or so it seemed. One day, speaking to Valentine, he explained the internal wars that were taking place on Earth. People were too busy thinking about the insectors, and they didn't realize that everything seemed like a lie for some countries to have more power.
  • Chapter 9 (2)

    They decided to create two characters, each with different ideas, and enter the network, and thus, they created and participated in the debates to show the world reality. Soon they were writing each one in a weekly column in an online newspaper. His ideas eventually reached out to governments, who wanted to uncover the identity of those two characters.
  • Chapter 9 (3)

    Meanwhile, Ender had already turned nine, and was commander of one of the battalions of the Phoenix Squadron, led by Petra. Ender was number one, but his performance was going down, he wasn't treated like a friend, but a boss, and he also believed that he increasingly resembled Peter, who was a murderer.