Emuna’s Jewish Growth Timeline

  • Started College

    Started College
    I became friends with Carol, my dormmate & an observant Jew, when I moved into the dorms at University of Maryland. Carol introduced me to her roommate, Amanda. The two of them introduced me to their “chevra” and began teaching me a bit about Judaism, which I knew very little about.
  • First Kabalat Shabbat

    Prior to this, all of my experiences in Jewish spaces & all of my learning had been social/practical, however this experience was the catalyst that led to my decision to convert.
  • First Purim

    First Purim
    Not only was this my first Purim, but it was also the first holiday that I really “celebrated,” as opposed to “participated.” I had yet to tell my friends that I wanted to convert, however I had made up my mind at that point and this experience led me to telling my friends I wanted to convert.
  • First Chavrusa

    I began learning the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch with Shira (her and her husband were the OU-JLIC couple for UMD). This was fundamental to developing my relationship with halacha and my hashkafa in general.
  • Converted

  • First Trip to Israel

    First Trip to Israel
  • Period: to

    Student at Maayanot Institute of Jewish Studies

  • Made Aliyah

  • Period: to

    Student At Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies

  • Married

  • Period: to

    Student At Hebrew College