753 BCE
Rome’s born
Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE
Rome’s republic
219 BCE
Hannibal undertakes a military expedition against Rome, through the Alps. The Second Punic War begins.
202 BCE
202 a. C. Battle of Zama. The Carthaginians are defeated
Period: 136 BCE to 44 BCE
Civil wars
58 BCE
Julius Caesar starts the Gallic War.
44 BCE
Julius Caesar murder
Julius Caesar, the Roman dictator, was assassinated by a group of senators on the Ides of March of 44 BC during a meeting of the Senate at the Theatre of Pompey in Rome. The senators stabbed Caesar 23 times. His dictatorship was undermining the Roman Republic, and presented the deed as an act of tyrannicide. At least 60 senators were party to the conspiracy, led by Marcus Brutus, Gaius Cassius and Decimus Brutus. Despite the death of Caesar, the conspirators were unable to restore the republic. -
44 BCE
Julius Caesar wins the civil wars and the Galic wars
Conquest of Gaul:
With the defeat of the Gallic resistance, Caesar next began to focus his attention across the channel. Still, the conquest was not quite as complete as it seemed. First Caesar would have to deal with more Germanic incursions before he could cross to Britain. And despite his confidence, the Gallic tribes were not nearly as subdued as he thought. For now, though, Caesar returned to Cisalpine Gaul to attend to political matters in Rome. -
27 BCE
Octavio Augusto becames The first emperor of Rome.
Period: 27 BCE to 476
Rome’s Empire
1 CE
Jesús was born
A new religion will be started some years later, Cristian religion. It was inspired by the message of the messias Jesus Christ. -
Rome starts becaming a great and a glorious empire
Rome conquest a part of Germania and south Britain, and also Dacia and the south of Africa. He dominates all the Mediterranean ocean. -
Trajano becames emperor of Rome
Rome has conquest all the Mediterranean territories
This is Rome’s largest extension of his history -
Constantine the Great forms the city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) and later the Byzantine Empire was created -
The empire is dividated
Rome start to be debilitate
A lot of wars debilitate The occidental Empire of Rome and they stated to lose a lot of territories -
Rome empire disappears