My Life Story In Emotions

  • Watching Derrick Rose Tear His ACL

    Watching Derrick Rose Tear His ACL
    Sad & Angry
  • Repelling Down A 500 Foot Cliff

    Repelling Down A 500 Foot Cliff
    Extremely Scared
  • Graduating Middle School

    Graduating Middle School
    Happy & Excited
  • Debating In English Class In 8th Grade

    Debating In English Class In 8th Grade
  • Going To Los Angeles

    Going To Los Angeles
  • Wasting $35 On A Carnival Game Without Winning

    Wasting $35 On A Carnival Game Without Winning
  • The 76ers Making The Second Round of The NBA Playoffs

    The 76ers Making The Second Round of The NBA Playoffs
    Extremely Excited
  • Eagles Winning The Superbowl

    Eagles Winning The Superbowl
    Energetic & Excited
  • Getting My First Job

    Getting My First Job
    Excited & Very Happy