Month 1
Babies make noises, they also cry a lot but quiet at the sight or sound of their caregiver, or when lifted or touched. -
Month 2
Babies begin to smile and show excitement, their eyes can follow objects, they want companionship and may like being tickled. -
Month 3
Babies can maintain brief eye contact while being fed, babies can also make different crying sounds for different needs and they can tell a smile from a frown. -
Month 4
babies start to laugh, squeal and babble -
Month 5
Babies turn to the sound of familiar voices and can tell the difference between family members. -
Month 6
Babies can reach out with hands and arms to play and at this age may cry when left alone. -
Month 7
Babies start to try to imitate sounds made by adults and babies start to play alone and plays longer with other people and toys. -
Month 8
Babies enjoy other children and begins to go through stranger anxiety and clings to familiar caregivers. -
Month 9
can tell friends from stranger and can express many different emotions -
Month 10
self esteem starts to develop shows mood such as happy,sad and angry -
Month 11
can become very uncooperative and tries to gain approval and avoid disapproval -
Month 12- year old
may start throwing tantrums and starts developing a sense of humor.