
Emotional Intelligence Timeline

  • Before Emotional Intelligence

    Before Emotional Intelligence
    Social Intelligence was the oficial term, Emotional Intelligence did not exit.
  • Multiple Intelligences Theory

    Multiple Intelligences Theory
    Howard Gardner elaborated the Multiple Intelligences Theory
  • 3 Intelligences Theory

    3 Intelligences Theory
    Eysenck elaborated the 3 intelligences theory
  • Bar-On Model

    Bar-On Model
    Emotional intelligence consists of interrelated emotional and
    social competencies, skills and facilitators that determine how well we understand and express
    ourselves, understand others and relate with them, and cope with daily demands, challenges and
  • First use of the term Emotional Intelligence

    First use of the term Emotional Intelligence
    The first published scientific paper on the topic using this term;
  • Emotional Intelligence Best Seller

    Emotional Intelligence Best Seller
    Goleman wrote the best seller Emotional Intelligence
  • Sternberg Multidimensional Model

    Sternberg Multidimensional Model
    This posits that human intelligence comprises three aspects, that is, componential, experiential and contextual.
  • Successful Social Interactions and Competences

    Successful Social Interactions and Competences
    Mackintosh affirmed that Emotional Intelligence was the same as having good social skills and social interactions.
  • Petrides and Furnham

    Petrides and Furnham
    These two authors promoted the idea of the 5 metafactos or emotional intelligence.
  • First Measurable Instrument

    First Measurable Instrument
  • New Perspectives

    New Perspectives
    Landy, J. Affirms that it is useless to try to measure and define emotional intelligence, since it is a very subjective topic.