The Bible Belt beginning
The bible belt was the way of explaining the high attendance of a certain angelic churches in the Sourthern region of the United States. The Southern region includes the Ohio Valley, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, The Carolinas, Tennessee, The Virginias, Texas, Oaklahoma, Missouri, New Mexico, and Kansas. The Bible belt also correlates with the recism in the south. If you noticed, most of the bible belt region is made up of the states that were apart of the American Confederacy. -
How the bible belt recieved its name.......
H.L Mencken a Chicago tribune writer gave the regions of the country who had dense populations of Christianity and catholicism "The bible Belt". H.L Mencken officialy claimed the name of "The bible Belt" in 1927. -
Emmett till was born
He was born -
till was visiting his family in money,"flirted with a white woman"
till was murdered by 4 white men for "flirting"
the men showed up at tills house 4 days after he flited with the white woman. They then beat him and gouged out one of his eyes before shooting him in the head. They disposed his body in the river hoping nobody would find him. -
till was found dead in the river
the men admitted to commiting the crime
The bible Belt`s end
It was not until the 1990's when the bible belt began to end. Today, there is an assortment of of religions throughout the majority of the south. The south is haunted by its trouble in the past. Many of the original white families in the south feared God. Many of the African American families in the south embraced God and loved God.