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Elsinore High School 2020

  • In the Beginning.

    In the Beginning.
    Survey staff on technology resources/needs/wants and staff developement for AVID and technology.
    Transition of all teachers to Office 365, macbooks or surface pro's, HDMI projectors and Apple TV's to improve instructional strategies and educational outcomes for all students.
  • EHS Teacher Technology Team

    EHS Teacher Technology Team
    Create and implement teacher technology team to determince resources needed to implement additional technology, project based learning and best practices based on technology.
  • Rigor and Relevance

    Rigor and Relevance
    UC Doorways Elsinore High School

    Increase AP course offerings and access including AP Capstone and AP CSI. Increase A-G coursework providing all students access to College through rigorous high school coursework.
  • Staff Professional development

    Staff Professional development
    Create a wheel staff development morning; offering 6 different teacher led workshops. Introduce staff to project based learnng. Increasing student engagement with ipads. Teacher technology a refresher course on the data systems and LEUSD applications/programs (IC, SCHED, Office 365, EADMS). Learning more about the SBAC and IBAC. Naviance, College and Career ready. CAC, and UC Doorways, how to create a teacher
  • Teacher technology

    Teacher technology
    Second wave of technology to create 1:1 opportunities for teachers to have macbook, ipad, HDMI projector and apple TV. Continued apple training through apple support. Implementation of ipad room, fully equipped to support teachers during the day.
  • AVID Summer Institute

    AVID Summer Institute
    Continue AVID Summer Institute training to get 70% of teachers trained, focusing on LCAP goals Collge and Career access through the ELD/Special Ed/CTE teachers being trained.
  • Evaluation and Monitoring

    Evaluation and Monitoring
    Evalution and monitoring are continuous, the EHS Teacher Tech team will create a survey and utilze data to see where we are regarding technology and best instructional practices at EHS. Then a re-write for site plan will take place to get us to 2020.
  • Vision 2020

    Vision 2020
    Hopefully prior to 2020 we will have a 1:1 committment to our students . I can't even imagine where we will be in instruction and learning with technology because of how fast we are moving now.