1808 BCE
1808 USA property
The island became the the property of the US government in 1808, and for most of the19th century it served as a site for the execution of pirates and criminals. -
1 CE
Ellis island
1°/2° class go to Manhattan
Upper bay of New York
3° do 29 question
2% denidate for desense insanity, criminal back grounds -
Period: to
Immigration station
The first immigrant to pass through Ellis Island in 1892 was Annie Moore, a 15-year-old Irish girl.
Germany, island, Scandinavian countries.
1945/1950 south eastern Italians, Europe (poverty), Jews (political). 1954 closed -
Tourist landmark
After two decades of disuse, it opened up for tours in 1976.
Some major restoration work, the island today stands as a symbol of America’s immigration heritage that attracts over 2 million visitors a year.