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Ellis Island

  • The first immigrant

    The first immigrant was Annie Moore a 15 year-old Irish Girl
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    Immigration from many countries

    People from all over Euroe Came to the United States
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    Immigrant station

    Between 1892 and 1954 Ellis Island was the busiest immigration station in the United States
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    Further Inspection

    The third class passengers had to take a ferry to Ellis Island for further investigation
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    The Ships

    The water was to shallow to allow the Transatlantic ships to unload their passengers at the Island, so most of them unloaded their passengers in Manhattan.
  • Period: to 1954 BCE

    The end of Ellis Island

    In 1954 the US government closed down the immigration inspection port at Ellis Island
  • Period: to


    Ellis Island opened up for Tours in 1976 after two decades of disuse, and after some restoration work it became the symbol of America’s immigrant heritage with over 2 million visitors every year.