Ellis Island

  • Ellis Island and Government

    In 1808 Ellis Island became property of the US government
  • First immigrant

    The fist immigrant to pass through Ellis Island in 1892 was Annie Moore, a 15 years old irish girl
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    Immigrations station

    Ellis Island was the busiest immigration
    station in the United State
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    Ellis Island in 19th century

    While during 19th century immigrant mostly came from Ireland, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries
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    The Ellis Island during the racism

    during racism Ellis Island was the main destination for immigrants arriving from Ungheria, Polonia, Republica Ceca, Serbia, Grecia, Turchia
  • Closed of Ellis Island

    The US government finally closed down the immigration inspect port at Ellis Island
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    Ellis Island today

    Today Ellis Island is a simbol of US. Every years the Ellis Island is visited by 2 million people